6 Classic Portrait Photography Lighting Setups

6 Classic Portrait Photography Lighting Setups Portrait Photography Lighting Taking a high-quality portrait isn't just a matter of having a nice camera, a good lens, and a pretty model. If only it were that easy! Instead, there are all sorts of other considerations to make. You have to think about the setting of the photo shoot and how it...

A Step-By-Step Guide to Choosing a Portrait Lens

A Step-By-Step Guide to Choosing a Portrait Lens Ask 10 photographers what the best portrait lens is, and I'm guessing you'll get something like five or six different answers. There's the brand loyalty, of course, so some folks will want a Canon lens over a Nikon lens. There is also quite a bit of discussion about the best focal length for...

How to Crop Portraits: An Essential Guide

How to Crop Portraits: An Essential Guide As you've come along on your photographic journey, you've no doubt tackled many of the important elements of creating a good portrait. Lighting, exposure, and composition come immediately to mind as topics you've likely spent countless hours learning about and practicing. If you're like me,...

3 Stealthy Gadgets You Wish You Had for Portraits

3 Stealthy Gadgets You Wish You Had for Portraits Portraiture, like any other photographic endeavor, requires that you have a good bit of gear. Heck, even if you just have your camera, a couple of lenses, a flash and tripod, and a few other essentials, you're carrying quite the load. It's a good thing there are so many photography companies...

How to Take Candid Portraits of Your Kids

How to Take Candid Portraits of Your Kids Have you ever seen a beautiful candid portrait of kids like the featured image above and thought, "Wow, I wish I could do that?" Though it might seem like a task that would be fairly complicated, it's really quite straightforward. Sure, there's all the technical stuff to bear in mind, like...