Nude Photography - Tips for Photographers and Models

Nude Photography - Tips for Photographers and Models  photo by 1001nights via iStock Nude photography can be a lot fun, for both the photographer and the model. We compiled some nude photography tips to help ensure that your experience with nude photography is enjoyable and produces great images. You can find some very helpful tips for nude...

Fine Art Nude Photography Tips From the Professionals

Fine Art Nude Photography Tips From the Professionals  photo by Goldmund via iStock Fine art nude photography is slightly different from the sometimes radically different form of nude photography with lots of variation possible in how it’s approached and presented. The basic rules and tips can still apply, several are listed in our article...

Pet Portrait Lighting Tips

Pet Portrait Lighting Tips  photo by Konstantin Aksenov via iStock Pet portraits are one of the hottest photography trends right now, you can get into the field for profit with just about any camera and some basic portrait lighting gear. As with other types of portraiture, you can make use of simple gear or high-end...

Newborn Photography Lighting Tutorial

Newborn Photography Lighting Tutorial photo by monkeybusinessimages via iStock Babies make awesome photographic subjects. Parents love portraits of their precious newborn family members and other people are drawn to well done portraits of a newborn because the subject matter touches the hearts of most. Newborn photography...

How to Shoot Nude Photography

How to Shoot Nude Photography  photo by belovodchenko via iStock Nude photography is a fantastic way to exercise our creativity as nude photographers, to hone our skills, and to try out new things. In order to shoot nude photography, it helps to look at it as an artistic expression coupled with an opportunity to...

How to Get Started With Artistic Nude Photography

How to Get Started With Artistic Nude Photography Photo by Lola Russian from Pexels One of the first things we tend to do when we start to learn nude photography is to try out our hand at artistic nude photography. It’s exciting, it’s new, and we really want to create art. It’s that desire to make real art that will drive...

Quick Tips for Great Self-Portraits

Quick Tips for Great Self-Portraits  photo by PeopleImages via iStock There’s never been a better time to practice self-portraits, considering many parts of the world are still at least partially shut down.   Self-portraits allow you to understand photography better. It helps you to see things from a new point of...

Learn Nude Photography With the Camera You Have

Learn Nude Photography With the Camera You Have photo by volkankovancisoy via iStock Whatever camera you now have is an excellent gear choice to use to learn nude photography. It can be an entry-level DSLR or mirrorless, a bridge camera, a smartphone, or even a classic film camera. The important part of how to learn nude photography is...