Nude Photography Guide: 11 Nude Photography Techniques

Nude Photography Guide: 11 Nude Photography Techniques Nude photography isn’t exactly something that you just jump right into… Since it can be a sensitive undertaking, it’s important that photographers take the time to learn how to properly plan and execute a photo session. From building rapport with the model to exploring different angles of...

Best Backdrops to Consider in 2021

Best Backdrops to Consider in 2021 Photo by Ross Sneddon on Unsplash Photo Backdrops When taking a portrait, the focus of attention should be on the portrait subject. But the background is nevertheless an important component of the shot. Backgrounds can add depth, color and texture. They can help the subject...

Self-Portrait Tips

Self-Portrait Tips photo by monkeybusinessimages via iStock  Self-portraits are one of the most intimate types of photography. Good self-portraits can be an accurate reflection of yourself, but self-portraits can also be dreamy, raw, and whimsical.  In order to create these types of self-portraits, you...

Single Light Portrait Lighting: Butterfly Light

Single Light Portrait Lighting: Butterfly Light  photo by dcdr via iStock  I know how expensive gear can be, but it is important to have at least one good off camera studio light, some kind of diffuser and a reflector when you are starting out as a portrait photographer.  I am going to take you through one of the easiest...

How to Use an On-Camera Video Light for Portraits

How to Use an On-Camera Video Light for Portraits  photo by laflor via iStock It used to be that using speedlights, strobes, softboxes, and other expensive lighting equipment was the only way to go when doing portrait photography. Not any more. There are numerous options now to achieve professional-looking portraits without breaking the...

Quick and Simple Portrait Photography Tips

Quick and Simple Portrait Photography Tips  photo by Ranta Images via iStock Out of all photography niches, portrait photography is one of my favorites because you can immediately see the impact of your work on the model.   It’s also a chance to break out of the boring routine of editing and shooting inanimate...

Family Portrait Posing Mistakes

Family Portrait Posing Mistakes   photo by lisafx via iStock There’s a reason talk show hosts love to laugh at bad family portraits from the 80s… Photographers make family portrait posing mistakes every single day. Sometimes they are incredibly bad. So, here’s a quick list of tips that might prevent your...