Convenience Benefits

  1. Virtually every type of photography from which you can make a living doesn’t require much space. Photographers who shoot all their assignments at specific locations (architecture, nature, sports, photojournalism, etc.) generally only need enough space to store their camera and have a desk with a computer. New wedding photographers can usually work from home too, but eventually they’ll want a separate place to meet with customers. If you plan to make a living as a portrait photographer, then adequate and permanent studio space will be needed. A home doesn’t typically have such dedicated space, so leasing commercial real estate is the best choice. Learn more about photography at home on our website PhotographyTalk.com.

  1. With your photography business office in the spare bedroom, attic or basement, you’ll find it very convenient to commute to work at the start of the day and from work at the end of the day. U.S. Federal Highway Administration research reveals that the average American spends 348 hours each year commuting.

  1. You have the flexibility to work whenever it is necessary. If you need a late-night session to finish editing photos for a client that expects them the next day, then you don’t have to travel from home to a commercial space to complete the work.

  1. You’re at home if you’re needed. If a package is delivered, then you are able to accept it. If your child is sick, then you’re able to care for him or her. If a repair technician is coming to fix the AC, refrigerator, etc., then you’re available to explain the problem and monitor his or her activities while in your home. You’re also able to attend to family emergencies immediately.

  1. As your children grow older, they may acquire an interest in photography and become ready-made assistants. A teenager, with some training, should be able to answer your phone and perform various typical business tasks. He or she will learn some early lessons about responsibility, earning money and saving you time to shoot more money-making assignments.

Time- and Money-Saving Benefits

  1. Photography is one kind of business that you can operate as a part-time enterprise. You’re not required to invest a substantial amount of money in commercial space, furniture, employees, etc. simply to open the doors. You can start to generate income quickly. You can also check another post about photography projects.

  1. With no commute to a commercial location for your photography business, you save the travel time and fuel or public transportation costs as well as any lunch expenses.

  1. The time you save commuting can be applied to more productive activities.

  1. Operating your business from home costs much less than leasing commercial space and the added utilities and other expenses.

  1. When working from home you have more flexibility, as the size of your business changes. Generally, you may have enough room for an intern or part-time assistant as your business begins to grow. Plus, it’s much easier to move to commercial space if your business becomes too big for your home than it is to cancel a lease for bigger space that you no longer need.

  1. The amount of dedicated space for your business becomes a tax-deductible expense as a proportion of the rent or mortgage you pay as well as utilities, insurance, property taxes, maintenance, etc.

Security Benefits

  1. You’re home is seldom unoccupied, so burglars are less likely to target it.

  1. You’re able to be at home when your children return from school.

The information in this PhotographyTalk.com article is general in nature. PhotographyTalk.com does not provide legal or tax advice or imply legal or tax strategies for photography business owners. They should seek such advice from qualified professionals.


Photo by PhotographyTalk Member Rupesh Rajput


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