The idea of people flying and levitating is as old as time, and so is the fascination of man towards it. That's why we like illusionists and wake up with a smile after each dream we have of us flying.

(Success Tip:Take better photos with this simple deck of cards)

Obviously, levitation and flying are still out of reach, but I have faith in the technology of tomorrow. Until then, most of us have to wait, but the next best thing is available.

You can live your levitation dreams through creative imagery. Photography and digital art have become free of boundaries for more than two decades and editing software like Photoshop has given tremendous creative power to anyone willing to learn how to use it.

Levitation is probably not the easiest thing you will do in manipulated photo. It's not the hardest either. Creating this effect in Photoshop requires a decent skill set and complete control over some of the more advanced features Photoshop has to offer.

Nevertheless, like every digital manipulation, you need the right photos to start with. Think of this as a two step project, with each steps having an equal importance. If you don't have the right processing skills, the good photos aren't going to cut it. On the other hand, if you're a Photoshop guru, but a lousy photographer, you're going to end up with something kitschy that will obviously look like you're trying to compensate for poor shots.

If you've been wanting to do a levitation shot for a while, but you don't have all skills, I have just the right thing for you. Actually, Phlearn does in this amazing tutorial that will teach you the right stuff to go out and create amazing images.

Learn more about using Photoshop from these recommended books: