If you're serious about photography, then long gone are the days when you went shooting with a camera body and a 50mm lens. The more serious you are, the more gear you have to use and the more stuff you have to carry. Naturally, the risk of leaving something at home is greater, too. Learn more about photography project ideas on our website PhotographyTalk.com.

Here are 7 items you should always make sure you have with you.

7. Tripod

Yes, it's kind of difficult to carry a full sized tripod with you all the time, but there are great options on the market like tabletop tripods or minitripods. They're small enough to fit in any bag and you'll thank yourself whenever you need one.

6. Lens cleaner

Whatever you might be shooting, there's a good chance you'll get your lens dirty. It will get covered in dust even if you just leave the camera on the table for a while. Have something to clean your lenses with at all times. It's only fair to the expensive glass, but more importantly it will keep your photos spot free.

5. Remote release

The true value of a wireless or cable remote will only be revealed when you really need one and don't have it. Opportunities for long exposures are more frequent than you think and having one is really not very hard on your wallet. It will also save you precious time, unlike using the camera's self-timer.

(Success Tip:The easiest way to learn landscape photography when you have little time to spare)

4. Rain cover

What good is carrying a camera with you all the time if you can't pull it out because it's raining? Some of the coolest street shots in history were captured in rain, but even that doesn't seem very motivating when you risk damaging a $3,000 camera. Have a rain cover in your bag. It's the kind of investment that will allow you to keep shooting despite the harsh conditions.

3. Circular polarizer

They should sell these together with camera kits. A circular polarizer is a valuable asset for any photographer shooting outdoors. I'm not just talking about making the sky more blue, but also about getting past reflections.

2. Tablet/Smartphone

This should go without saying, yet I find myself leaving my phone on the desk when I go grocery shopping. Forgetting it when you go on a shooting trip by yourself could lead to a disaster. In the rush to have everything else ready, it's easy to forget the basics. Make sure you put this vital, everyday item on the list because, as the adage says, it's better to be safe than sorry.

1. Extra power

Extra batteries for your cameras are obvious must-haves anywhere you go, but what about your smartphone, tablet, or GoPro? Some assignments or personal projects might take you places where you barely remember what outlet looks like, so it's crucial to pack some extra power to recharge other vital items in your bag. Our recommendation is the Wolverine Colossal USB Travel Battery Charger. It will charge your phone and other devices up to ten times, allowing you to spend more time in the field, taking more awesome shots.