Time lapse videos are hugely popular with photographers and amateur filmmakers and that's a good thing. But like everything that is done by a lot of people, there is the significant risk of mediocrity involved. If you want to make sure your time lapses are truly breathtaking, we recommend you stick to these six tips.

1. The Right Motion

Adding motion to your time lapse videos is a sure way to make them more interesting and enjoyable to watch. The trick is to do it smoothly and subtly. For that, you're going to need the right tools. We recommend Revolve Motorized systems. They are specially designed for making time lapses and they're also versatile and easy to use. Of course, one major aspect that interests all you enthusiasts is price. Don't worry. Revolve tools are high end products designed to work at the highest production levels but they won't put any massive holes in your bank account.

Success Tip:  Don’t be caught with the wrong equipment, here’s what we recommend.

2. Use Manual Focus

You can't blame your camera for refocusing when you move it. It's designed to that but when making time lapses, it can ruin everything. Remember to shift the focus to manual mode after getting a focus lock-on. Otherwise you'll end up with glitches and a lot less battery life.

3. Music

Time lapse videos are pure visual enjoyment but if you want to maximize the experience for the viewers, add some dramatic music. It will make a world of difference. There are plenty of royalty free music sites to choose from that will keep you safe from breaking any copyright laws.

4. Shoot in RAW

We keep bringing this up because a lot of amateurs still struggle with JPEG thinking it's easier and just as good. It would be a shame to have an interesting subject for your time lapse and use the jpg format. Maximum quality is only achieved in RAW format and this goes for every digital camera ever created.

5. Choose Your Subjects Wisely

We mentioned the risk of mediocrity and choosing the right subject is one of the most important things. Don't make time lapses of everything that kind of looks interesting because chances are you're wasting your time if you do. Plan ahead and choose wisely. Start with simple stuff like moving clouds or waves. Master that and then move on to more difficult subjects that usually take a lot longer to shoot.

6. Practice

Your first time lapse videos are probably going to suck big time. No need to panic or feel down about anything. It's a normal part of the learning process. Just like any other skill, it requires a lot of repetition. The more time lapse videos you make, the better they will look.

Get busy shooting and follow these six steps. The good stuff is on its way.

Learn more about Revolve tools here.