A lot of people get into photography just because they love landscapes so much. The photos you are about to see could trigger an uncontrollable impulse to pick up a camera and head out somewhere in the wild in search of a beautiful scene. No matter where you live, there is bound to be a beautiful location nearby. Even something apparently uninspiring like an empty desert can be a terrific subject if you visit it at the right time and know your stuff.

Landscape photography is a game of patience however. Don’t expect to capture powerful images unless you’re prepared to stay in a certain location for a few hours. Professionals often wait days in a row for the perfect light. That should give you an idea about the variables. There’s a lot more to it than driving to the spot, pulling out your camera, choosing the right settings and shooting. Composition also has a lot to do with getting the perfect shot. The rule of thirds is generally the safe way to go, but sticking to it will limit your creativity and potential after reaching a certain level of experience. While in some cases you have to move fast because the perfect light will only last for a couple of minutes or even just a few seconds, generally when shooting landscapes you have enough time to experiment with different compositions.

Here are 19 incredible landscapes we found on the web and believe will make your eyes grateful.

Although it’s one of the most photographed destinations in the U.S, the Grand Canyon will always look good.

Tuscany is one of the favorite destinations for photographers visiting Italy and it’s easy to understand why.

Luckily aerials shots like this are a lot easier to take nowadays. But yeah, you still have to be there.

This Alaskan landscape is perfect example of how cooler white balance can do wonders.

Beautiful sunset in Namibia.

The harsh winters in Kamchatka.

Don’t avoid man made structures because they often bring an extra touch to the photo.

Mighty Mount Fuji, Japan.

Dominant colors work great in some cases.

Black and white landscapes are always going to be special.

Less is more. Minimal compositions in landscape photography are proof of mastery.

Some nights have a lot to offer if you’re willing to wait long enough.

South Island, New Zealand.

Leading lines for a perfect composition and amazing natural colors are the perfect ingredients for a great landscape shot.

It’s all about perspective.

Motion blur can be very useful if the light and the surroundings are just right.

Foreground elements are essential in some compositions.

Composition tricks like this have a powerful impact.

Nature at its finest.