If you’ve ever looked for lens filters, you know that there are dozens, if not hundreds of companies out there offering all manner of filters. Some are high-quality pieces of glass that will indeed positively impact the photos you take. Others are not so good and will do nothing other than remove your hard-earned money from your wallet.

Thanks to Joshua Cripps over at Professional Photography Tips, we’ve got the inside beat on the types of filters you do and don’t need. From UVs to polarizers to various types of neutral density filters, give the video below a look to find out which ones are must-haves and which ones you can forego.

How often do you find that you need a long-range shot for your video, but just don’t have a microphone that will capture audio from a good distance away? It happens all too often, and the result is a video that might look good but sounds terrible. The solution to the problem is to get the best long-range microphone so you’re sure that the video you take of far-off subjects has the excellent audio to match. Our top recommendation for the best long-range microphone has to be Sound Shark. With performance that’s comparable to or better than high-end shotgun mics and a range that extends to 50 feet, Sound Shark enables you to get the audio you need at the level of quality you want, all without messy cables.