If you were to survey your friends and family and ask them what the most popular type of photography is, the chances are good that most will say landscapes.

It stands to reason, too, because there are breathtaking landscapes within a short walk or drive from the majority of us, so not only is there something pretty to photograph, it’s typically easy to get there too. This combination of beauty and ease of access is part of the reason why landscapes are such a popular subject matter.

Of course, taking pictures of landscapes and creating dynamic, visually interesting images of landscapes are two different things. The former is more of the “point and shoot” variety, in which people spend little time thinking about lighting and composition in favor of jumping out of the car and firing off a few shots of a pretty landscape. The latter involves planning, preparation, time in the field composing the shot, waiting for the right light, and working on the image in post.

In this video, Duncan Wherrett from Photoshop Tutorials Plus gives us insight into the processes of creating a compelling landscape image with 19 can’t-miss tips. Some of his tips are beginner level; others are for more advanced photographers. Either way, your images are sure to benefit!

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