Lightroom is the go-to editing software for plenty of photographers, and with good reason.

It’s fast. It’s powerful. There’s a great selection of editing tools. And it helps you organize your photos. What’s not to like?!

A problem that some photographers have with Lightroom, though, is that there is just so much to learn that it’s hard to become familiar with all of its valuable tools and settings. Often, photographers will overlook some tools or shortcuts, and only focus on learning a few things that are immediately helpful to them.

But Lightroom has so many possibilities!

What if you’re editing your photos on a small screen - how do you make your image larger for easier editing?

Do you know what pressing the Alt button when clicking a slider does?

Benjamin Jaworskyj gives us the answers to these and other questions about Lightroom so that you can maximize it’s value for you as you edit your photos.

Give his video a look and learn five simple, yet impactful tips that will help you take your Lightroom editing to the next level!

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