I don't know about you, but I'm taken aback by the beauty of the photo above.

Tom Anderson is no slouch when it comes to creating images that captivate viewers, that's for sure.

For me, there's a couple of things that stand out in this photo above all else.

First, that light is glorious, giving the shot a bit of warmth and helping to create some beautiful interplay between the shadowed and highlighted areas.

Second, the framing is absolutely spot on. The temple on the right and the balloon on the left help make this a balanced, harmonious shot without feeling like it was done on purpose.

That's a lot harder to do than it might seem!

Something else I like about the shot is the layering - how there just seems to be an endless array of temples dotting the landscape.

Of course, being the Plotagraph of the Week, the still image above, though spectacular, got an upgrade:

I think the original photo has plenty of features that make it eye-catching, but with the addition of the movement of the clouds, man, does it take on a whole new level of interest.

The way the motion of the clouds seems to emanate from behind the most prominent temple helps draw the eye to that point, almost like a leading line.

I also love the way the hot air balloon is static - not unlike a boulder in a stream, adding a bit of contrast to the movement behind it.

In other words, what seemed like a pretty ideal photo turned into a stunning, motion-filled composite.

I have no idea where this photo was taken, but you can bet I'll find out so I can try my hand at creating my own plotagraph of this incredible landscape!

About Plotagraph

Plotagraph is a cloud-based platform that allows you to add looping content to a still image that gives it the subtle motion effects seen above. In short, it’s photography re-imagined.

Upload a photo to Plotagraph, use the program to add layers, feather edges, crop the image, and tackle other advanced editing techniques, and the result will be something that's sure to blow people away.

Even the most incredible still images take on a whole new life with the addition of Plotagraph effects.

And the best part? Plotagraph isn't just fancy software. It's a complete online community where you can learn more about making Plotagraphs, interact with other photographers using the platform, and learn new tricks with detailed tutorials. It's simple to use too!

Start creating your own Plotagraphs today.