Photographers often talk about the need to change the perspective from which photos are taken to find new and interesting ways of portraying their subject.

But Wire Hon, an artist from Malaysia, has taken that idea to a new level with his latest series of superhero portraits...

Using nothing but his imagination and his smartphone, Hon creates elaborate scenes in which Marvel and DC comic heroes are found doing all sorts of things around Hon's house - doing housework, painting portraits, posing for pictures with his son, and so forth.

Editor's Tip: Looking to upgrade your camera? Learn why upgrading your lens is a better idea.

According to Hon, each photo takes about half an hour to create before it's posted to his Instagram account.

The trick in creating these fantastic scenes is forced perspective - placing the tiny figurines much closer to the camera than the much-larger humans in the shot, as you can see below.

Whether it's directing his superhero friends as to what to clean or where to put potted plants, being chastised by his wife for checking out Black Widow, or getting out of his car at gunpoint from Deadpool, Hon's creativity really seems to know no bounds.

But that's what's so great about photography - a little time, effort, and creativity goes a very long way!

If you're struggling with your creative output with your photography, head over to Hon's Instagram, and you'll find just about all the inspiration you need!

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All photos by Wire Hon and used with permission.

Via BoredPanda