Let me start by saying that not every photo is special. The accidental photos I take of the inside of my pants pocket when my phone screen doesn't lock are not special.

Furthermore, taking photos has become less of a special thing in the digital age.

Years and years ago, getting the family or your friends together for a picture didn't happen all that often. And because of that, having one's picture taken was perhaps a little more meaningful than it is today.

But just because photography is easier and more common these days doesn't mean that many of the snapshots we take with our phones and the landscapes and portraits we take with our DSLRs aren't special and meaningful in some way.

So why do we let all those photos we take loiter in the photo albums on our phones or on memory cards in our desk drawers?

As far as I can tell, it's a matter of convenience. My parents had to dedicate quite a lot of attic space to the boxes and boxes of photos and slides they accumulated over the years.

I, on the other hand, probably have 10 times as many photos on one of my external hard drives.

I suppose the combination of the ease of storage and the ease of taking photos makes it easy to forget about the majority of the photos we take. 

I'd like to see that trend reverse course, though.

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Back in the 1990s, I loved going through the sleeves of 3.5x5" prints I got from the one-hour photo place.

I couldn't wait to see how my pictures turned out, and I also couldn't wait to pick which one I would have made into a larger print.

I've started doing the same thing with the photos on my phone and many memory cards - I'm choosing the ones that are the most special and turning them into prints. You should do the same.

Photos, as we all know, have an incredible power to connect us to the past. That's true whether the photos you print are from last week or 10 years ago.

Those special photos that deserve to be turned into prints can trigger all kinds of memories, remind you of a special time or a special person, and can even bring feelings back that you've long forgotten.

And because of that, we all need to start giving our photos the love they deserve. The most special ones should be on our walls, proudly on display so we can relive those moments that mean the most, as shown below.

I know a lot of people that love the idea of having prints of their photos made, but don't love the idea of paying for quality.

And that's a shame because a poorly made print of a photo is just as bad as not having the photo made into a print at all.

I fully admit that when I first started my printing crusade that I opted for the cheapest prints I could find. And you know where those prints are now? Not on my walls, that's for sure...

There are some situations in life in which you really do get what you pay for, and photo prints is certainly one of them.

I can tell you thanks to a long history of making the wrong decisions about prints that you're better off spending a little more to get a great print.

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Today, I get all my prints from CanvasHQ. There are numerous reasons for that.

First, I love how canvas looks. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I like the texture of the canvas. I think it gives my photos character.

Second, CanvasHQ prints, in particular, are made using fine-art materials like archival-grade canvas and water-resistant inks.

That means that your canvases aren't just durable for the long-term, but the sheer quality of construction allows your photos to shine.

Third, these guys take the time to handcraft the frame behind the canvas. Even though you don't see it, giving the frame some love and ensuring that it's perfectly straight and square means that your canvas won't sag.

This is just a sampling of the photos I've had printed.

Something else to look for when choosing a company to print your photos is their commitment to customer service.

Is there a real human there to answer your questions? Do they offer touch-ups and design consultations so you're sure to get the best-looking print?

Also consider whether there's a guarantee on the work, and if so, how robust it is. For example, CanvasHQ offers a 100 percent money-back guarantee on their prints, so if you're not happy with the product, you can send it back within 30 days for a full refund.

The point in all of this isn't just to gush about CanvasHQ.

Instead, my hope is to inspire you to give your photos a little more consideration as valuable and meaningful parts of your history.

By turning your favorite photos into big, high-quality prints, you do those memories and feelings a little more justice.

You also give other people an opportunity to enjoy your photos as well.

And that's what photography is all about - bringing people together to share memories.

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