Image Credit: Enes Evren via iStock 

All photographers hit a bump in the road from time to time in which photography is more of a chore than something to be enjoyed.

The question is, during those periods in which nothing seems to be easy and your creativity seems to have gone by the wayside, how do you reignite your love for photography?

In this guide, I outline several simple and easy tricks you can try to fall in love with photography again.

Learn Something New

Image Credit: jacoblund via iStock

I've found that when I'm struggling to find inspiration (or motivation) to take photos that challenging myself to learn something new is a great way to get excited about being behind the lens again.

One of the great things about photography is that there is always something to learn.

Between the creative, technical, and post-processing aspects of photography, you could probably learn something new each day for the next year!

Personally, I've been watching a ton of Lightroom tutorials lately. Not only has that helped me stay engaged with my photography, but it's also helped me improve my workflow and keep my images much more organized.

As far as I'm concerned, that's a win-win-win situation!

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Make Photography Friends

Image Credit: Thanaphong Araveeporn via iStock 

If you're like me, you're much more likely to stay on your game if you have friends to go out shooting with.

At the very least, having photography friends to discuss photography with should help keep the fires of photography love burning a little brighter. I definitely find a little extra passion for photography when I'm shooting with friends as opposed to shooting alone...

There's just something about that camaraderie and being with people that appreciate how hard it is to take high-quality photos.

Besides, whether you go out with friends, take a photo walk with a local photography club, participate in a photography workshop, or simply engage with other photography enthusiasts online, you'll always find encouragement to keep learning and growing.

Print Your Photos

In my opinion, one of the problems of the digital age is that it's cheapened the value of a photograph.

By that, I mean that I often take photos with my phone to post on social media, and then I'm done with it.

Likewise, the vast majority of the photos I take with my DSLR end up on a hard drive or in the cloud, never to be seen again.

If you want to find your passion for photography again, make a concerted effort to make some of your photos more special by having them printed.

Think about it - you can decorate your entire home with photos that you took. How cool is that?

And when you get high-quality prints like the ones I get from CanvasHQ, your photos become much more than snapshots - they become fine art.

I've used CanvasHQ for dozens and dozens of prints, and each time I get one in the mail, I feel an excitement for photography that I wish I could bottle up.

Not only is it awesome to see my images as big, beautiful canvas prints, but it's fun to share those prints with friends and family, too.

The problem with getting prints made is that a lot of people fall for the cheap and quick online services.

Unfortunately, many cheap and quick printers create prints that look cheap and quick!

That's not the case with CanvasHQ, though.

These guys have managed to devise a process that's fast and budget-friendly, but they do so while maintaining impeccable quality standards.

For example, CanvasHQ uses poly-cotton blend canvas that's archival grade, which means your prints are clear, sharp, and highly durable.

The inks they use are top-of-the-line as well, and are scuff-resistant, water-resistant, and UV-resistant, so you're sure to have a vibrant, beautiful print for generations to come.

Even what you don't see - the frame behind the print - is painstakingly constructed with kiln-dried wood, that way you're sure your print won't suffer from sagging or bowing.

I know I'm gushing a little here, but that's just because these prints really are the best I've ever found online.

If you're in a creative rut, there's really no better way to extract yourself from it than getting some of your photos printed!

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Find Ways to Restrict Your Photo-Taking Abilities

Image Credit: helovi via iStock

Yes, restricting your ability to take photos can help you reignite your passion for photography.

Think about it - by challenging yourself to only shoot at night or only with a 50mm lens or only certain subjects, you're forced to get creative, learn new techniques, and think more about camera settings, composition, and so forth.

I've done this very thing before, and in my case, I only allowed myself to take 20 photos a day.

I did that to sort of mimic what it was like in the film days when there was a finite number of frames to be had.

My little experiment helped me pay much more attention to what I was doing, in addition to savoring the moment with each shot.

So, by placing restrictions on how you work, you might get the same results and find that your love of photography comes back.

Are these sure-fire ways to get out of a creative rut? Not necessarily. But I've tried each one, and I can tell you first-hand that they worked for me. I think they can work for you too!