YouTube Screenshot/Brandon Woelfel 

Photography is all about learning and improvement. It's a process that never stops.

That's part of what makes photography so great, if you ask me, anyway.

I love the notion that each day I can learn something new about something I enjoy so much.

Going along with that theme, I found the video above by Brandon Woelfel on YouTube the other day, and just had to share it with you.

Usually, photography hack videos are mostly tips and tricks that are widely known and used.

Editor's Tip: Not sure what lens to use for portraits? Learn why an 85mm lens is an ideal focal length for portraiture.

But Brandon managed to reveal a few tips that I've never used before, and I think you'll agree that they worked well for him.

They can work well for you and I, too!

YouTube Screenshot/Brandon Woelfel

Here's a quick rundown of each hack that Brandon reveals:

  • Hold your cell phone up to your camera lens to create a mirror effect, like the one you see above.
  • Think like an editor when choosing a shoot location - consider how you want the final image to look, and use that mental image when considering where you take your photos.
  • When inspiration strikes and you develop a concept of a photo in your mind, don't wait around to put it into effect with a model. Instead, use objects or even your hands to create your vision as best you can, that way you at least have a reference point for later.
  • Find ways to filter or bounce direct light by using everyday objects. As Brandon points out in the video, bouncing direct light off a sequined pillow can create an incredible light effect.
  • Hold a leaf or another object up to the corner of your camera lens to create more depth and add a little color to the shot.

For a complete review of each of these photography hacks, have a look at Brandon's full video above. For more photography-inspired content, be sure to check out his YouTube channel as well!

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