Photo by Florian van Duyn on Unsplash

Imagine a car camera that could tell if you were having a medical emergency while driving and call the nearest hospital before you even realize something is wrong. Now, imagine Volvo will be implementing this technology within the year.

Unfortunately, it's just a rumor that this technology is ready to be unleashed on the industry. Fortunately, Volvo responded to these rumors and said the manufacturer is currently creating this very camera (it just isn't ready, quite yet).

Photo by Mark Cruz on Unsplash

The driver-facing in-car camera may sound like an invasion of privacy on the surface, but Volvo's chief digital officer, Atif Rafiq, said the safety features such as attentiveness detection is why the in-car camera is in the concept stage at the company.

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The camera works by monitoring the driver's vitals.

"(These cameras) can determine a driver's glucose levels by looking at their pupils, so (they) could call a loved one or hospital if it detected a health problem," Rafiq said. "Cars will understand your state and de-stress you on your way back from work."

Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

The in-car camera will also have facial recognition technology, so everything in the car will be completely customizable for each driver.

Volvo promises that should the camera be implemented in new cars, the footage will be anonymous and will never be released to anyone like law enforcement officials or insurance companies. 

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Via Digital Trends