Screenshot from YouTube video by Nico Vuignier

"Heatseeker," is the enthralling title to an exhilarating video by YouTuber and famous Swiss skier, Nico Vuignier.  

The video features 6 skiers all running down pitch black, rugged mountain terrain. The only light is the light of flares chasing them down the mountain, making the mountain ranges and snow glow a deep orange-red. 

The video took a team of 20 people and was shot with only the use of drones

Vuignier posted the video a few days ago, and it's already been viewed almost 100,000 times. He promised his followers that a behind the scenes video will be coming out soon. 

Editor's Tip: Step up your post-processing game with AI-powered editing tools. Try Luminar for free.

 It's only January and our team is convinced this may be the coolest video we see all year. 

Via YouTube