Like many photographers, I also like to shoot in natural light. But during the winter it becomes a bit challenging due to cold temperature outside or sometimes you just don’t feel like going outdoors and rather photograph your family indoors.

Here are some tips you can use to photograph indoors in natural light without using any flash.

First thing you want to do is look for windows where some of the natural light is coming from. Open up the blinds or curtains to let as much light in as possible. If you have a door nearby, open that as well. Remember, when light travels, it also bounces off your walls, ceilings etc. Even if the door is not directly where your subject is standing but it would still help.

You can use an inexpensive 5 in 1 reflector to reflect some extra light on your subject’s face. These reflectors cost around $15 and a must have for anyone doing portraits.

If you’re using a kit lens then you may have to increase your ISO to get fast enough shutter speed so your pictures are not soft or blurry. If you own a prime lens then open up your aperture to let as much light in as possible.

Hope you find these tips helpful. Don’t forget to have fun shooting.

All pictures are taken by PhotographersOnUTube

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