4 Photography Lighting Types You Need to Know

4 Photography Lighting Types You Need to Know Lighting for photography is an essential skill and equipment choice for many serious photographers and virtually all professional photographers. Photographers use various photography lighting types to fulfill lighting needs. As you’re becoming more and more comfortable with all aspects of...

What to Look for in Professional Photography Lighting

What to Look for in Professional Photography Lighting As a photography hobbyist, you have likely tried your hand at various photography styles. Many types of photography can be done just fine with the equipment already owned by any serious photographer. Some types or genres of photography may require developing more skills, learning new techniques,...

Beginner Flash Photography Tutorial

Beginner Flash Photography Tutorial  photo by Tom Merton via iStock Beginner photographers tend to have many questions about flash photography settings and how to use a flash. That’s good, because flash photography has a bunch of variables about flash modes, types of flash units, when to use a flash, how to use a flash, and...

Effortless Lighting for Gorgeous Photography

Effortless Lighting for Gorgeous Photography Photography lighting is a key part of making gorgeous images. The term for our craft itself literally means drawing with light so being able to light subjects properly is vital for creating excellent images. Some photographers of all levels of skill and experience have told me that they wish...

Portrait Lighting Tips for Couples

Portrait Lighting Tips for Couples Photo by DreamLens Production from Pexels Many of the portrait lighting tips and techniques we’ve learned for individual portraits can also be applied to couples, families, or small groups. Large groups can also benefit from these techniques, but the regular portrait lighting...

Tips for Successful Impromptu Portraits

Tips for Successful Impromptu Portraits Photo by Xiaoming Tian from Pexels Impromptu portraits opportunities such as street scenes, party pics, or just everyday pictures of people and friends that are a step or two above snapshot level can come up at any time, which is why they’re called impromptu portraits. These...

Easy Tips for Better Environmental Portraits

Easy Tips for Better Environmental Portraits  photo by valentinrussanov via iStock If you want to learn a little about how to take environmental portraits, or want to know what are environmental portraits in the first place, stick around.   The current excitement for environmental portraits is actually nothing new, it’s a...