Ted Cheeseman caught the travel bug early, growing up amid wildlife safaris. After earning a graduate degree in conservation biology, Ted returned to California to lead and organize safaris as an avenue for turning travelers on to the beauty and value of wild lands, finding in wilderness a tonic for the soul.Sergio Ballivian

ted cheesemann

Ted Cheeseman / Success Interview

Ted Cheeseman caught the travel bug early, growing up amid wildlife safaris. After earning a graduate degree in conservation biology, Ted returned to California to lead and organize safaris as an avenue for turning travelers on to the beauty and value of wild lands, finding in wilderness a tonic for the soul. He helped found

CarbonTree Conservation Fund that offers carbon offsets to make your travel carbon-neutral. Ted spends long hours organizing our tours and ensuring they meet our high standards. Ted leads our tours to Dominica and Silver Bank that concentrate on whales, plus other great destinations when his schedule allows.