Product 3: Brand Name: Nikon
Product 2: Brand Name: Nikon
Product 3: description: D500
Product 2: description: D7500
Product 2: image url:
Product 3: image url:
Product 2: title: Nikon D7500
Product 3: title: Nikon D500
Article: main image URL:
Article: description: In this Nikon D500 vs Nikon D7500 matchup, we explore the features and specs, pros and cons, and prices of these older, but highly capable DSLRs.

Photo by Oliver Koh on Unsplash

The Nikon D500 vs Nikon D7500 debate is another one that’s been raging on for years. The Nikon D7500 is just a few years older than the Nikon D500. But, they’re both a few years and are a pretty good bargain at this point.

Both of these Nikons are crop sensor DSLRs and they are both incredibly well-respected cameras within their classes. I, for instance, have shot with both of these and haven’t had many problems with either.

Still, if you’re thinking about purchasing either of these cameras, a full Nikon D500 vs. Nikon D7500 review would be helpful. Here we will break down the different specs, design features and price points of both of these Nikons. 

Nikon D500 vs Nikon D7500 Specs

Nikon D7500

I’m going to break down the Nikon D500 vs. Nikon D7500 specs, but I’m going to start with the D7500 since this camera came out first in 2017. 

When you pick up a Nikon D7500 you can expect a 20MP sensor, 8fps burst mode, and a hearty ISO range of 100-51,200. 

This is the sort of camera people would have called a workhorse when it first came out.

But, my favorite thing about the Nikon D7500 is its 4K video capabilities. You can shoot 4K at up to 30p.

Nikon D7500 

Other Nikon D7500 specs include:

  • 20MP sensor
  • Expeed 5 processor
  • 100% viewfinder coverage
  • 4K video capabilities
  • 8fps burst mode
  • ISO range of 100-51,200
  • 51-point AF system
  • 3.2” tilting LCD with 922-k dots

Nikon D500

The Nikon D500, like the Nikon D7500, also features a 20MP sensor and Expeed 5 image processor. In essence, the image quality from both of these cameras is going to be the same across the board. 

Unlike theNikon D7500, though, the Nikon D500 features a more advanced screen with 2.35m-dots, a faster burst mode at 10fps, and a 1,240-shot battery life.

Nikon D500 

Other Nikon D500 specs include:

  • 20MP sensor
  • 10fps burst mode
  • ISO range of 100-51,200
  • Expeed 5 processor
  • 4K video capabilities
  • 3.2” tilting touchscreen with 2.35m-dots
  • Built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
  • 1,240-shot battery life

When it comes to the Nikon D500 vs Nikon D7500 specs, these two cameras are rather similar. Of course, if you’re looking for a camera that’s going to be with you for years to come, then you should probably go with the Nikon D500 since it’s rated at 200,000 shutter actuations and the Nikon D750 is more of an enthusiast model and is only rated for 150,000.

Nikon D500 vs Nikon D7500 Body & Design

Nikon D7500

However, the Nikon D500 vs Nikon D7500 debate gets much more interesting when it comes to their designs. The two cameras are relatively similar, except for the fact that the Nikon D500 is obviously built for more serious photography enthusiasts.

What I mean by this is that the Nikon D500 body is bigger, with a thicker grip that feels more comfortable naturally in your hands. It also generally feels sturdier. I’m not scared to hand a Nikon D500 to my son who has been messing around with cameras since he was a toddler. 

Nikon D500

As aforementioned in the Nikon D500 vs Nikon D7500 specs section, both of these cameras feature tilting screens, but the Nikon D500’s screen is surrounded by a more rugged setting. 

Importantly, the Nikon D500 features illuminated buttons, which is a feature the Nikon D7500 doesn’t. This isn’t a huge buzzkill for all photographers, but if your current camera model features illuminated buttons I’d say it’s definitely hard to revert to a camera body that doesn’t.

Overall, you can expect the Nikon D7500 to have a simpler layout, one built for amateurs, while the Nikon D500 is going to feature more in-depth options. You can see this through the addition of function buttons on the D500, and the fact that the D500 features a dedicated AF-ON button. Both of these features are missing from the D7500.

Nikon D500 vs Nikon D7500 Build & Handling

Nikon D7500 

Whenever I get into a Nikon D500 vs Nikon D7500 debate with my friends the first thing they always bring up is the fact that you can’t use the Nikon D7500 with a battery pack. Nikon took this capability away with this model and it makes handling the camera all day a much bigger hassle. 

However, it seems that wherever there is a small inconvenience with one of these models there is a similar small inconvenience with the other. The Nikon D500 doesn’t feature a built-in flash, but the Nikon D7500 does. 

I don’t find myself using a built-in flash all that often, but it’s still always nice to have the option if I accidentally find myself without my external flash kit. 

Nikon D500 

A big part of the Nikon D500 vs Nikon D7500 handling debate is discussing how well both of these models work with Nikon’s radio-enabled speedlights that came out recently.

Both of these cameras are capable of working with them, but if you’re thinking of picking up the SB-5000 speedlight you’re going to need a wireless transmitter to do so.

One thing I’ve failed to mention thus far in this Nikon D500 vs Nikon D7500 article is the weather-sealing on either model. Since the Nikon D500 is the model that sits on the cusp of an amateur/professional model I would expect it to have better weather-sealing. However, Nikon claimed that it updated the weather-sealing specifically for the Nikon D7500 model, so they’re both pretty similar. 

Nikon D7500

There are also some differences between these models that you’ll notice immediately upon picking them up. The Nikon D500 body is made up of magnesium alloy, whereas the Nikon D7500 is made up of carbon fiber composite. So, the Nikon D7500 is noticeably lighter. 

Further, the ergonomics of the Nikon D500 are obviously better. For instance, if you’ve been in the photography industry for a while, you’re going to have a simpler time working with the Nikon D500 simply because it has more options than the Nikon D7500, which is built with a simpler, traditional layout. 

Nikon D500 vs Nikon D7500 Video Performance

Photo by Harrison Kugler on Unsplash

This is yet another section that essentially outlines the extreme similarities between these two cameras. The Nikon D500 vs Nikon D7500 video performance is a discussion almost not worth having. 

Both of these cameras feature 4K UHD output. Both of these cameras feature a 1.5x crop of their sensors in order to do so. They also both feature a Flat Picture Profile.

The only true difference in the video performance of these two models is that the Nikon D7500 has power aperture which allows you to control the aperture of the camera when it's in live view mode. While this feature is nice to have, it’s going to go unnoticed by a photographer who only dabbles in videography work. 

You could also argue that the Nikon D500 should win the Nikon D500 vs Nikon D7500 debate when it comes to video simply because it comes with a clip to retain an HDMI lead when you’re recording video externally.

It’s a rather small feature, but it’s definitely nice to have.

I, of course, understand that sometimes you just need to see a side by side comparison in order to truly judge any two cameras.

This is why I’ve included a video comparison test by just above. 

Nikon D500 vs Nikon D7500 Price

In the Nikon D500 vs Nikon D7500 debate, the price point of the two cameras is probably the thing that’s most different about them.  That’s why this section, the Nikon D500 vs Nikon D7500 price section, is so important. 

You can find a used Nikon D500 on MPB starting at $800 for a well-used version, or $1,040 for a version in excellent condition. 

On the other hand, you can usually pick up a Nikon D7500 for much cheaper than this. MPB currently doesn’t have any used Nikon D7500s listed, but you should definitely check back because they rotate through hundreds of new products every single day. 

Comment your thoughts on the Nikon D500 vs Nikon D750 debate below.