I realized that I’ve made a lot of materials about how to evolve as a photographer, how become better, how to get to a pro level. I don’t think I’ve talked a lot about how to get into photography in the first place. It sounds complicated but it needn’t be at all. So I have made a short list of steps to help you. Before you go on reading there are two things I would like you to remember. A wiser man than me once said that in order to become good at anything, one must practice that thing for 10,000 hours. Number two, and this might sting a bit, is that no matter how many hours you put into it, if you weren’t born with the least amount of talent, it’s called wasted time.

But cheer up and keep reading!

The gear

The number one mistake beginners usually make is thinking they need expensive gear to be good photographers. It’s a wrong approach for many reasons, but I’ll stick to saying that no matter how expensive your camera is, if you don’t know how to use it, it will still take crappy pictures. You need to learn first of all, and for that, an entry-level DSLR or a mirrorless kit will do just fine.

The process

The learning process should be fun and effortless. Don’t think of the technical stuff as a chore. It’s a very small part of what it actually means to be a good photographer. It’s the alphabet so to speak. You have information about this stuff everywhere. Online, in books, your local camera club, almost everybody seems to know what aperture is these days. You should be able to learn the technical part of photography in no time.

The camera and you

In your early days as a photographer, you should take your camera with you as often as possible, even when going to work. Don’t stress about what you’re going to photograph that day. Just take it along and use every time something catches your eye.

The subjects

The best way to learn how to photograph is to do just that. Do it as much as you can. Photograph anything that seems interesting, but remember one vital thing. This is something you should have in your mind for the rest of your photography days. Each time you are about to take a photo, ask yourself why you are doing it. Not because it’s a fun thing to ask difficult questions, but because it will help you determine what kind of subjects you enjoy photographing and it will define your relationship to them.


Projects are one of the best ways to start and evolve as a photographer. Since your experience is limited, start with simple things, like a short series. Projects will also help you become disciplined and that’s one of the hardest things if you are learning on your own.

The Academic Way

Of course, there will always be formal education. It’s excellent for some and a total nightmare for others. Only you can decide what suits you best.


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