Undoubtedly, you’ve heard all the statistics about the increasing proliferation of mobile devices – smartphones and tablets – and, in fact, you’ve probably contributed to that proliferation and, more importantly, so have your customers and prospective customers.

Consider these additional stats that reveal why mobile devices are #1 with many people.

·January 2014 was the first time apps were used more than PCs to access the Internet, at 55%, with 47% of Web traffic from apps and 8% from mobile browsers.

·U.S. smartphone sales increased 21% during 2013, and will increase another 10% during 2014, while tablet sales were 49% higher during 2013, and will jump another 15% for 2014.

·Of all local searches performed on a mobile phone during 2014, 78% resulted in a purchase, and 60% of those purchases occurred within a few hours of the search.

The implications are clear: mobile has, and will, continue to overtake PCs and laptops as the primary method to make Internet searches and purchases. Adding a mobile app to your photography business’ marketing strategy is becoming a requirement, much like a Website did a few years ago.

A mobile app for your business may be a new technology and a new marketing method, but the old adage is still true: you must go where your customers go – and they are going mobile. Just as important is that the mobile consumer is young as well as middle-aged, which accounts for virtually all customer types your photography business may serve: high school senior portraits, proms, engagements, weddings, new baby portraits, family portraits, family events and celebrations, youth sports teams, etc.

The Benefits of a Mobile App

Not only does your photography business customer base already use the mobile apps of many other businesses, but also they recognize apps as a timesaving convenience they expect, which also benefits you. In today’s competitive environment, you can’t wait until the end of the day to respond to your clients’ questions, provide them with access to their proofs, take orders, schedule shooting appointments, share your latest portfolio images and keep your social media updated.

Of course, you don’t always want to be interrupted during your daily shooting schedule to interact with clients, but a mobile app can automate many functions, such as providing answers to frequently asked questions, so you’re not answering the same questions again and again; listing your contact information and a map to your studio; and providing links to your Website, with packages and prices, and your latest social media content.

With a mobile app, you can implement immediate promotions and coupons from wherever you’re working, or relaxing. You don’t have to wait until tomorrow to generate business with special offers. When a great idea comes to mind, you can put it to work immediately.

A mobile app allows you to learn more about your customers and their specific needs, so you can improve customer service with customized responses. You can also connect with referrals faster and direct them to your app, Website and social media that will provide them with plenty of information and content until you’re available to talk with them.

Maybe, the greatest benefit of adding a mobile app to your photography business is that it is a relative new marketing tool for photographers. Be one of the first to adopt this technology and you’ll be far ahead of your competitors when a mobile app becomes an absolute necessity.

A Mobile App Made Easy

Now, you might have heard that creating a mobile app for your business is time-consuming and expensive. That would be true if you had to hire someone to create it for you from scratch; however, with the growing importance of a mobile app for photography businesses, you have an ally – Ubookoo. It specializes in bringing the entire world of mobile marketing, including apps, to photography businesses just like yours.

Ubookoo has mobile app templates that are easily customized to elevate your brand with your customers and all potential customers in your market area. An Ubookoo mobile marketing app for photography businesses is already packed with the specific features that you and your customers need to make it easy to do business through the mobile channel.

With Ubookoo, there are no longer any obstacles to you benefiting from a mobile app for your photography business. It’s affordable; it’s easy; and it can be up and working for you quickly. Visit ubookoo.com today for complete information.


Read previous article on Mobile Marketing HERE. OR Read the next one HERE.

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