Ever since digital cameras have started shipping with kit lenses, people have hated them passionately. Yes, they are light, cheap pieces of plastic with slow autofocus and usually much lower performance than pro lenses. However, not all is bad about kit lenses. Here are 5 good reasons why they are a good option.

1. They cover the standard focal range

Kit lenses are made for dealing with most situations and they're good because they give you a range of perspectives, from wide angle to short tele. (View some examples here)

2. They're boring

Because they are boring lenses with nothing special about them, they will stimulate your creativity more. When you first buy a camera, the first thing you need to learn is how to "see" with it and a normal, unsophisticated lens is all you need. Learn first, then go and buy expensive Zeiss glass.

(Sucess Tip :1: Learn to take better photos with this deck of cards.)

3. Good price/quality ratio

If you think about it, most of the kit lenses on the market today have some sort of stabilizing system built in them. They're also highly capable of delivering very good results between f8-f11. No matter how plasticky they feel, in the right hands even cheap kit lenses can produce outstanding photos.

4. They're better than some pro lenses

It's hard to believe, but cheap kit lenses are better than some pro lenses that cost ten times as much. It's just that they're only better at f8 or around that value.

5. Easily replaceable

You're not really going to cry if you break your kit lens into pieces, but you might have a few bad days if you drop an L lens. Just saying.

(Success Tip #2: How even hobbyists can easily sell photos of people having fun)

Check out 5 more things kit lenses are bad at in the video made by Digital Rev.