Every so often, something happens in the photography industry that completely changes the way photographers work or present their images. Think of portable cameras and color film as older examples of this, and digital cameras and mobile phones as relatively recent innovations.

Now we can add the next great photography innovation to that list: Plotagraph.

Just What is Plotagraph?

In short, Plotagraph is a web-based platform that allows you to add dynamic looping content to a still image. That means that rather than having a static photo in your portfolio, you can make it a motion graphic that adds an immeasurable level of visual interest to the shot. Think about it - if you’re displaying your photos in a digital environment, why leave them as still images? Adding a little bit of motion makes your images more engaging for viewers, and when you’re a photographer trying to snag more clients, what better way than to use a moving image on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other online environments to catch the eye of potential customers?

But beyond being a slick software package, Plotagraph is a community of artists. With Plotagraph software as its foundation, the community exists to help others create their work, share it, and be inspired by fellow creatives. As a member of the community, you have access to instructional videos that have all the tips and tricks you need to learn how to use the platform and grow your business as a result of the looping images you create. You even get cloud storage, community chat, a help desk, stock (stock submission, the members will be able to sell their plotagraphs/looping content as stock through the community)  images, and much more. In that regard, Plotagraph isn’t just an artistic innovation but is an environment that can genuinely help you take your business to a new level.

Why is Plotagraph Important?

If you consider that we see thousands of images each day, you understand how difficult it’s becoming to stand out from the crowd. Whether you’re developing an advertising campaign to boost your clientele or you’re promoting a product for a client through your photography talents, the people you’re trying to reach aren’t going to be impressed with any old photo. By presenting your work in(/as) a Plotagraph, potential clients will be impressed with your work in a whole new way that keeps them coming back for more.

Even better, Plotagraphs are ideal for displaying your work on mobile devices. After all, the majority of people use their mobile devices for news and entertainment, so why not use a platform that’s designed to produce engaging content for phones and tablets? But don’t think that Plotagraph is limited to creating mobile-based images - Plotagraphs can be used on websites and even large displays like looping posters and digital billboards. ( up to 4k)

How Does It Work?

Though the final product looks complex, the process of creating a Plotagraph is really quite simple. Unlike other looping content creators, there is no need for multiple images or video - all you need is a single JPEG (or PNG) image, which you upload into the Plotagraph environment. Using robust tools that allow you to zoom, crop, feather, brush, erase, layer, and, of course, animate, you create your looping masterpiece. Then, special imaging algorithms in the program work their magic, and the final product can be exported in various file formats (MOV, GIF, MP4, JPG & PNG sequences) for easy sharing. In the video above, Trey Ratcliff offers a quick tutorial that shows just how simple Plotagraph is to use.

It’s innovative. It’s easy to use. It’s ideal for all kinds of applications, from posting personal content to Instagram to creating large-scale dynamic advertisements for clients. In short, Plotagraph is the future of photography. Get in on the ground level and don’t be left behind in a static world. Learn more about Plotagraph, view stunning animated images created using the platform, and watch more tutorial videos by visiting their website.