Photography by Mariah | Sew Trendy™ Miriam Gown

When selecting the location for your maternity shoots, it’s obviously important that you have a few suggestions for the mom-to-be, just in case she’s not sure where she’d like to go. Of course, it’s also important for you to take into account where she can go, how quickly, and how comfortably.

With that in mind, offering to come to your client’s home to do their maternity photo shoot is often much appreciated. By the time she’s 7-8 months pregnant, mom might not be that interested in wandering around the local park to find an idyllic scene for her photos (although, plenty of moms will be up for it!). Instead, shooting at your client’s home gives you a chance to create intimate portraits in a familiar setting, which could very well get you better images in the end. Just look at the photo above - if mom has a pool at home, why not try creating something that’s unexpected and stunningly beautiful at the same time?

Here’s a couple of reasons why home-based shoots can be so good.

It’s Comfortable

Lori Dorman Photography | Sew Trendy™ Rachel Gown

Likely the best reason for going to your client’s home for a maternity shoot is that it is a comfortable environment for the mom-to-be. As mentioned above, mom might not have the energy or the wherewithal to drive long distances or walk around a lot. By meeting her on her own turf, so to speak, you minimize those stressors and allow her to relax in her own home.

But don’t think that a home-based shoot has to be mom plopped on the couch with all sorts of clutter in the background. As you can see in the image above, given a little forethought and elbow grease, you can set up an elegant, beautiful home shoot that portrays mom as the graceful, gorgeous woman she is. The wardrobe certainly helps too (more on that in a bit)!

It Shows What Life is Like

Beth Wade Photography | Sew Trendy™ Marilyn Gown

Another reason why home-based maternity shoots can be so successful is that it allows you to document what life is like for mom and her family before the new baby arrives. Whether it’s mom and her partner enjoying a moment together on the sofa, mom playing with one of her kids, or just a quiet moment of relaxation and reflection in the backyard, there are plenty of opportunities in your client’s indoor and outdoor spaces to capture a moment of beauty and love.

And, again, if you put some forethought into these shoots and prepare your clients by suggesting gorgeous wardrobe and accessory choices, home-based shoots can have all the elegance of an on-location shoot. Combining beautiful accessories with the posing tips suggested in earlier lessons in this series (for example, having mom place a hand on her belly, as was done in the image above), you have the makings for a powerful portrait.

Make Your Pitch for Shooting at Home

Lori Dorman Photography | Sew Trendy™ Rachel Gown

Some clients will surely be resistant to having their maternity photos taken at home because there is a sense that photos at home somehow lack the same spirit or visual impact as those taken at other locations.

But, as seen in the images throughout this lesson, this couldn’t be further from the case! In each instance, moms were outfitted with gowns and accessories from Sew Trendy Accessories, a small maternity wear company that hand makes each and every item. Sew Trendy is all about making mom look great and feel great too, with wardrobe choices that fit any body type and sense of style.

Sew Trendy Accessories isn’t just about making mom look good, though. Instead, their products are created to give your images a ton of visual impact with bold, statement-making designs. Yet, their gowns, crowns, sashes, and other items aren’t in-your-face or over-the-top. They fit right in, whether mom is lying in bed or posing in the backyard. The result? A maternity photo in which all eyes are on mom - right where they should be!