Image Credit: mustafahacalaki via iStock

If you're like me, you collect gear over the years and before you know it, you have a closet full of old lenses that you no longer use.

Given that most good lenses aren't exactly cheap, this creates a bit of a problem - you have tons of stuff you don't need or want anymore but nowhere to put it.

So, the question is, what to do with old camera lenses you no longer want?

Here's a few ideas...

Use Them!

Image Credit: Popartic via iStock

Ok, so this one might not be in the cards because if you've got a dozen lenses collecting dust in your house, obviously you're not using them anymore.

I suppose the challenge would be to challenge yourself to start using them again.

Maybe you've upgraded your kit lens along the way and still have the old kit ;ying around. Why not use it on crappy weather days instead of taking your newer, better lens out?

Perhaps you're planning a trip and have an older 35mm prime that still works great. Consider taking it along instead of your brand-new 35mm lens, that way if it gets lost or stolen, you won't be as upset about it (though, I'd still be pretty upset...).

The point is that a lens still has life left in it, you might as well use it for something!

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Donate Your Old Lenses

Image Credit: amesy via iStock

Old lenses that are still in good working condition can find new life if you donate them to a local charity or school.

Think about it - the 50mm lens you haven't used in three or four years could be used by a kid who's developing a passion for photography. How cool is that?

Or, you could donate your old gear to a local charity so they can in turn sell it and earn money to provide services to people in the community. Again, super cool.

The Film Photography Project is just one example of an organization that accepts old lenses (and plenty of other old gear, too).

Sell Your Old Lenses

Image Credit: Peter Horrox via iStock

There is a huge market today for used lenses, for a couple of reasons.

First, film photography has been making a comeback, so older lenses from the good ol' days of shooting on film are often hot commodities.

Secondly, since good glass is usually quite expensive, many photographers are looking for great deals on used gear - and that works in your favor.

You can sell your lenses on places like eBay and Craigslist, though there are difficulties with both of those platforms.

On the one hand, eBay is expensive to list an item, and on the other hand, Craigslist offers no protections for sellers.

That's why I sell my old lenses on Lensfinder.

Lensfinder was built for photographers, by photographers, so you get a streamlined experience that's geared directly towards you.

The process of setting up an account is quick and easy, and you can have your old lenses listed (for free!) in no time.

When your lens sells, there's a 3.99% transaction fee (which is much lower than eBay). Payments are handled via PayPal (with an additional fee from them), so you know the payment situation is clear and secure.

You know the buyer is legit, too, because Lensfinder uses advanced fraud filtering for buyers and sellers alike.

In other words, it's a one-stop-shop for buying and selling your old lenses!

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