When you start taking pictures without knowing a single thing about photography, it’s hard to accomplish a solid craft. Most  amateurs learn by trial and error. That's a good thing, because you become skilled while experimenting; but there are things that every newbie photographer should avoid.

  1. Buying a DSLR without knowing how to use it

There are many online courses that may suit you, but here on Photography Talk, our community shares amazing and useful tips for both amateur and pro photographers. There are also free e-books for improving your skills as a photographer. Invest some time learning how to take good pictures.

  1. Using a memory card for the first time without formatting it

Most DSLRs use SD memory cards and preformatting is essential. Canon and Nikon, for example, encourage their users to format to avoid corrupted files. If you care about your pictures, don’t forget to format the cards to avoid losing data.

(Success Tip:Take better photos with this simple deck of cards)

  1. Taking night photos with a high shutter speed

Night photography is one of the hardest disciplines. Flash sometimes ruins the color of your pictures. Alaways remember when you take manual captures at night not to set a high shutter speed. Your camera is a light box: try to balance ISO, Aperture and a long shutter speed for better results.

  1. Not using a tripod

A tripod is always a good friend for photographers. When you take action shots, sky captures or architectural shots, a steady base will always help you get what you are looking for.

  1. Forgetting ISO in landscape photography

ISO means how sensitive your camera’s sensor is to light. When shooting landscapes, a low ISO is always best to reduce noise in your images.

  1. Not aiming or focusing

Some newbies forget about focus, trusting the camera to do the work. Correct focus is important, and autofocus systems are easliy confused. Aim, focus and shoot carefully.


  1. Ignoring the light

Light is the capital that makes an image. Learn to pay attention to the natural light in an image and how to use and enhance it.

  1. Disregarding the rule of thirds

This rule is a guideline for composition.. Imagine your image divided in nine equal parts by two horizontal lines and two vertical lines. Your main subject should be aligned on the lines or on their intersection, generating tension and energy in the composition.

  1. Being conceited. Humility is essential.

Always remember: "It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels".