Product: Brand Name: Inspiracles
Product: description: Photography Inspiration Cards
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Product: title: Inspiracles Photography Inspiration Cards
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Article: description: There are plenty of ways to learn photography. You can watch videos, read books, and take a class. But the list goes on...learn other ways to brush up on your photography skills.

 photo by Peopleimages via iStock

Learning photography in 2021 is probably easier than it ever has been…

On the one hand, there is an abundance of photography learning materials out there that are easily accessed either in person or online. And on the other hand, most of us have a highly capable camera in our pocket at all times - our smartphones.

With few barriers to learning materials and on-demand access to a camera, learning how to take great photos is really a matter of getting motivated to do so

Let’s talk about a few highly effective ways that you can learn photography.

Don’t Get Bogged Down in the Details

 photo by AntonioGuillem via iStock

I think a lot of new photographers make the mistake of trying to learn all the photography rules and techniques before they go out to shoot.

Here’s the problem, though: if you try to learn every single photography rule and technique before you take a shot, you’ll be waiting a very long time to go out and shoot!

Instead, focus on the basics first, like composition. Developing your creative eye and learning how to compose a photo that is well-balanced, has layers and depth, and takes the viewer on a journey through the shot is a great foundation for building more technical skills later on.

Besides, focusing first on composition allows you to get out and shoot and learn by doing. 

Speaking of learning by doing, I’m a huge advocate for getting away from your computer screen and getting out with your camera as much as possible. A great way to do that is by using something like Inspiracles Photography Inspiration Cards to guide and inspire you.

These cards are a perfect companion for a beginner photographer because they include an inspirational prompt to get you going, professional photography tips to educate you, and example images to give you added inspiration for creating your own photos.

These cards come in three different 56-card decks:

  • The Classic edition, which gives you broad tips on different types photography
  • The Landscape edition, which guides you in creating beautiful landscape and nature photos
  • The People edition, which helps you develop essential portrait photography skills 

Since these cards are portable and include bite-sized tasks, you can easily get out and shoot and learn as you go! You can do one card a week for an entire year or if you’re really motivated, you can work your way through a card a day and then move on to the next deck of Inspiracles to continue your learning.

Don’t get sucked into the idea that you need to read huge photography books or watch long YouTube videos in order to acquire photography skills. Instead, you’d be surprised how much you can learn with a little guidance from something like Inspiracles.

If Inspiracles intrigues you, pop over to their Kickstarter to learn more and perhaps even lend support to the campaign!

Learn How to Use Your Camera

 photo by GaudiLab via iStock

Let me first say that it isn’t the camera that takes great photos - it's what you do with your skills that enables the camera to take great photos. 

But even though you are the most important part of this equation, it still helps to understand how to work your camera!

Whether you have a smartphone, an old hand-me-down DSLR, or a brand-new high-end mirrorless camera, taking the time to learn about its features, functions, and capabilities will enable you to use your camera to fulfill your creative vision. After all, you can’t learn how to take long exposures if you don’t know how to change the shutter speed on your camera. Don’t be that guy that doesn’t read the instructions - they are there to help, and trust me, they will help you!

But, if sitting down with the camera’s owner’s manual and reading a few hundred pages doesn’t excite you, search for YouTube tutorials on your specific camera to learn about its basic functions. It might be a more engaging way for you to learn the ins and outs of your camera.

Make a Point to Admire the Work of Others

 photo by grinvalds via iStock

If you’re on social media, spend some time finding photographers whose work you admire. 

By engaging with other photographers (even if it’s just online), you can accomplish a few things. First, you can begin to identify what types of photography most intrigue and inspire you. This will give you some direction for what you want to learn about photography. 

Second, it allows you to make connections with other photographers. This doesn’t mean that you’ll become best friends with these people, but a lot of photographers - famous ones included - will often respond to questions from followers about tips and techniques. Who better to learn from than an accomplished professional?!

And third, following the work of other photographers gets you engaged in photography on a daily basis. This is critically important for learning photography because you need to practice consistently. By seeing great work from people you admire, it will motivate you to go out and shoot on a regular basis. You will find success in all those hours of work!

Be Willing to Make Mistakes

 photo by MStudioImages via iStock

When you’re learning photography, not every photo is going to turn out to be a masterpiece. As Henri Cartier-Bresson famously said, “Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.”

So, when your photos are overexposed or the horizon is crooked or there’s ugly shadows in the background, don’t sweat it. You’ll learn how to correct those issues in time. You can’t learn everything right this instant, so just focus on gaining one skill at a time, and eventually you’ll have the full skill set you need to create beautiful shots.

Learning photography is a process, and a slow one at that. But with the methods described above, you’ll be able to gain the knowledge and skills you need to build a foundation for success.

Now, grab your camera and go practice!