Photo by Richard Brutyo on Unsplash

Let’s face it… 

For most of us, insurance can be a confusing topic. It’s no wonder then that there are so many misconceptions about the photography insurance industry.

The scariest part is that many photographers simply don’t get insurance, if for no other reason that they fall victim to one or more of the myths outlined below.

If you want to build a strong and successful business, insurance is a must-have. Get educated about the truths of photography insurance below!

Photography Insurance Myth #1: I Don’t Need It

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash 

Yes, you do need photography insurance!

There are things to gamble on in life, and your livelihood is not one of them! Taking a chance that nothing will happen to your camera or lens, your laptop or lighting equipment, is a chance you should not take.

No matter if you’re a studio portrait photographer or a landscape photographer that travels the world or something in between, you need photography insurance that protects you in the event that something happens to critical gear you need for your business.

Not only that, but you need comprehensive photography insurance that addresses all sorts of eventualities.

 Photo by Arno Body on Unsplash

For example, Athos Insurance Services offers a wide range of protections for your gear, including damage that results from:

  • Smoke and water damage
  • Fire and flood damage
  • Damage that results from falling objects
  • Damage incurred as a result of a natural disaster like hail, windstorms, or earthquakes 
  • Accidental damage

Additionally, you’re covered in the event of a Nationally Declared Act of Terrorism, if your gear is stolen from your vehicle, and damage that results in transit or shipping. You can even add coverage for equipment afloat or underwater and coverage for voluntary parting or conversion. Athos Insurance also offers coverage to protect against fraudulent renters if you rent your gear to other people to use.

Best of all, this coverage extends worldwide, giving you peace of mind that if something were to happen, you will be able to replace or repair your gear no matter where the damage was incurred.

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Photography Insurance Myth #2: It’s Expensive

 Photo by Pepi Stojanovski on Unsplash

The last thing you want to do when money is tight is shell out a bunch of money for an insurance policy.

Yet, things can and do go wrong, so working without protection for your gear is like playing with fire.

Some photography insurance companies are admittedly very expensive. However, others, like Athos Insurance Services, offer equipment coverage that starts at $175.00 per year.

I’ve never been a math whiz, but even I can do that math - for $14.58 per month, you get the coverage you need to protect yourself from lost, stolen, or damaged gear.

 Photo by William Bayreuther on Unsplash

Of course, you hope that you never have to experience a situation in which a camera breaks or a lens malfunctions or your camera bag is washed away in a flood.

But even if none of those things ever happen to you, $14.58 per month is a small price to pay for peace of mind. Besides, should something happen to your gear, these policies offer replacement cost coverage, so you’ll get brand-new or like-kind replacements, not a check for what your gear was worth years ago when you bought it.

Photography Insurance Myth #3: It’s Difficult to Get

Photo by Maria Agudo López on Unsplash

Gone are the days when you have to go to your local insurance agent and sit in their office all afternoon hashing out the details of your policy.

Also gone are the days when you have to field phone call after phone call from a far-off insurance representative to get more information about a policy in which you are interested. 

Instead, you can quickly and easily get an online quote for insurance in a matter of seconds. If you like what you see, you can buy the policy right then and there.

It’s literally a process that will take a handful of minutes from start to finish, yet it’s a process that can end up saving your business if disaster strikes!

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