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The Color Stylizer filter creates a color overlay on top of your original image and lets you control the saturation of the original colors. We’ll take a look at the options available for selecting the color for the overlay as well as how to fine tune the final look of our image.

We’ll start out by taking a look at several different ways to select the color to be added to the image. One method is to click on the color patch, which will bring up the Color Picker where you can select and adjust colors or you can click on the Eyedropper tool to select a color from within the image.

Color Selections

The Contrast slider will either increase the contrast throughout the entire image by moving the slider to the right, or reduce the contrast in the image by moving the slider to the left.

By adding more Saturation to the image, colors throughout the image will increase in vibrancy or move the slider all the way to the left at -90% to remove color to create a black and white image.

Contrast and Saturation Adjustments

Tip: To retain some of the details that might be lost in the Shadows or Highlight, try moving the sliders to the right. 

Shadows and Highlights Adjustment Sliders