© Corey Hilz

The Dark Contrasts filter uses a unique algorithm, which rebalances light and detail throughout an image while emphasizing dark details. Depending on the amount of the filter effect that has been applied to the image, it can result in having more details with a darker, moodier effect.

The Dark Contrasts filter control options

Let’s take a look at the different filter options that are available in the Dark Contrasts filter.

The Dark Detail Extractor filter will exaggerate details, brighten up shadows and tone down highlights. This will create a more even tonality throughout the image by moving the slider to the right or moving the slider to the left will reduce the effect.

Brightness is a global control slider that will increase or decrease the lightness of your image.

Contrast is also a global control slider that will increase or decrease the contrast in the image. By default it is set at -45%.

The Saturation slider defaults at -31% but by simply moving it to the right, this will increase the saturation of colors throughout the image. Moving the slider to the left will decrease the saturation, and at -100 this will desaturate the colors in the image to create a gray scale image.

Tip: Try moving the sliders for the Shadows to bring up details in the underexposed areas of your image or move the Highlights slider to reveal details in the overexposed areas.

Shadows and Highlights sliders

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