Image Borders within Color Efex Pro 4 uses Nik Software’s proprietary technologies to create unique and organic borders that are infinitely variable. It is a great finishing filter to use to define your image while applying a wonderfully stylistic and natural look.

By taking a detailed look at the filter controls, we can get a feel of how to use them to create great finishing effects for your images.

Image Borders control options

The Border Type drop-down menu contains 14 different border styles. Clicking on this will allow you to choose different stylized border types to apply to the image.

Border Type options

The Size Slider controls the size of the border added to the image. Moving the slider to the right increases the size of the border, while moving the slider to the left will decrease the size of the border. Operating on a range from -100% to 100%, this defaults at 0%.

The Spread relates directly to the thickness of the border itself. Moving the slider to the right will increase the spread, making the edge of the border thicker. Moving the slider to the left will decrease spread and the border will become thinner. The default value is set to 0% and operates on a range from -100% to 100%.

The Clean/Rough slider allows you to change the details of the border. Moving the slider to the right (towards Rough) adds more random details into the border; these can be notches, crannies, bumps, or other organic artifacts. Moving the slider to the left (towards Clean) will decrease the amount of details added to the border, giving a more refined and distinct edge.  The slider defaults in the middle between the two characteristics.

Vary Border is another unique Nik Software innovation. Clicking on this button randomly selects a different border seed number. This seed number will then create a randomized border effect for each generated number. It uses the same border Type while maintaining the Size, Spread, and Clean/Rough settings, but varies the look. This unique option provides for an almost endless number of results.

Vary Border control

You can create the exact same border each time by noting all of the settings (Size, Spread, and Clean/Rough) and the seed number. Or, you can get a similar border by using the same settings with a different seed number. (This allows for continuity of having the same look, while introducing unique variances to a batch of images).

Tip: This is a great finishing filter! Remember, the image border will always remove some area from your image. To avoid cropping some part of your image while adding an image border, use a pixel editing application (such as Photoshop) to increase the canvas size of the image so that you have some room to work with. Then, use the Size slider to create the desired border.