Most health professionals would probably not consider digital photography a physical activity. Depending on the type of photography you enjoy, you might, on occasion, find yourself walking for miles through the woods or the busy, photo-rich city environment. A few photographers’ assistants probably receive a good workout carrying, unpacking and packing gear regularly (or running for coffee). If you spend most of your time in a studio or at the computer editing, then the opportunities for exercise are rare.


Whether you already walk, run or cycle for exercise, or should be, you can make your fitness routine an important aid to your photography. If your daily or weekly regimen includes roadwork with your legs or a bicycle, then use that time to become more familiar with your locale. If you’re more sedentary, then use the motivation to find interesting scenes, views and subject matter for your photography to start an exercise program that allows you to travel through your community. Think of it as a combination of a healthy activity with a photo-scouting trip.


This is a great opportunity for nature photographers to follow various running and bike paths in local, state and national parks. Being alone and relatively quiet, you are more likely to see animals and discover which wildflowers are blooming and know when the trees’ fall colors have reached their peak. Use the GPS app in your cell phone to pinpoint a location for a future photo expedition.


If you want to improve your street photography cred, then plan walks, runs or cycles through both the central city as well as the urban and suburban landscapes. You are virtually guaranteed of finding great photo possibilities that you can return to later with your camera. You might want to take a small notebook with you or use your smart phone to take notes about locations and their lighting and weather conditions. You could even shoot quick scouting images with your cell phone to use as guides for when you return.


Another tip is to schedule your walk, run or cycle at different times of the day, so you know how the light will affect a photo. Remember, dawn and dusk typically provide the best light of the day; however, some locations or possible scenes may present a unique image at high noon too. Read these PhotographyTalk.com articles for more information:


You may never have considered exercise a benefit of being a digital photographer or finding outstanding photo opportunities as a benefit of being a walker, runner or cyclist, but the two do mix very well. You’ll be healthier, your photography should improve and you’ll know much more about where you live and what there is to photograph.

Image credit: luckybusiness / 123RF Stock Photo

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