A lens cap may be a small, inexpensive piece of photography equipment, but it’s not insignificant. It’s critical to protecting the most important exterior surface of your lens, the front element. Scratch or damage it and your lens is a goner!


A big problem for all photographers, however, is where to store your lens cap when not attached to the front of your lens.


“I only set in down for a moment, but I walked from the shoot and left it there!”


“It’s in my camera bag somewhere. I’m always wasting valuable time digging through everything or removing every piece of equipment from my bag only to find it at the bottom.”


“I often place it in a pocket of my pants or shirt, but as soon as I move into an awkward shooting position, it causes discomfort; or I bend forward and out it tumbles, unnoticed.”


When you do lose or misplace your lens cap, you have no choice but to buy another. That’s $8 to $9 for a generic cap or as much as $19 for one that matches the brand and size of your lens.


All that pain (both real and photographic) is easily relieved when you rely on Cap Gorilla.


As an enthusiastic photographer, Martin Lodz had experienced this problem many times and also observed his photo buddies having the some trouble keeping their lens caps secure and conveniently within reach. Combining his passion for photography with his engineer’s mind, Martin went to work and invented the Cap Gorilla.


Although it required years of work and multiple designs, the Cap Gorilla is a very elegant solution. Its genius is that it is lightweight, but never interferes with your creativity and enjoyment of photography. The Cap Gorilla attaches to a camera’s strap, so it’s convenient and always with the camera. It holds a lens cap or other accessories, such as memory cards, batteries, etc., with a silicone band. It’s strong and durable, stretches to accommodate the various sizes of accessories and has a sure-grip quality to ensure they will remain in place.


Cap Gorilla is available in two sizes and three models. The original model holds all lens caps to 62mm; the Cap Gorilla Pro is for caps as large as 100mm. Both are built with injection-molded, ABS plastic and cages your lens cap with a high quality silicone retention band. The Cap Gorilla Pro AL also holds caps as large as 100mm, but instead of a silicon band, it is CNC-machined from aircraft-grade 6061-aluminum with either a brushed or anodized black finish. The Cap Gorilla Pro AL was specifically designed for the photographer who is compelled to leap, scamper and twist and turn just like…well…a gorilla.


Tyler, a photographer from Baltimore had this to say about the Cap Gorilla.


Photography has been my passion for the better part of a decade. I often shoot in fast-moving or low-light conditions where a lens cap is easily lost: the Cap Gorilla has changed all that. No more fishing in my pockets for an errant lens cap, or feeling a pang of worry that I inadvertently dropped my cap at the bottom of a lake or left it a mile behind me in the desert. At last, a trusty spot for a commonly misplaced item. I love this product.”


At the time this PhotographyTalk article was written (October 2012), Martin was seeking funding for his Cap Gorilla product at Kickstarter.com. PhotographyTalk encourages you to support Martin and his Cap Gorilla project


You may pre-order Cap Gorilla at http://www.capgorilla.com


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