As small business owners, professional photographers need as many revenue channels as possible generating income. That is the primary benefit of utilizing Viovio’s online design templates for photo books, cards, calendars and many other consumer photo products and on-demand printing services. The people at Viovio created their company name by doubling the Latin word for “go,” vio. They know you must operate in a “go-go” world, where the drive to succeed is constant; and that’s only possible when you maximize the revenue from the images you capture.


Viovio is known for the exquisite designs of its photo books and the exceptional quality of the printing of every book. Professionals also like how quickly their book orders are printed and delivered, which is another critical factor in making more money from each photograph they take. You can choose from 36 different sizes, from landscape to square to portrait; 6 different bindings, including hardcover, softcover, perfect bound and wire-o matte; and 3 paper stocks: gloss silk and satin.


Virtually any kind of professional photographer is able to improve his or her bottom line with Viovio photo books, and here are just a few ideas:


  1. Weddings – Give your wedding photography customers an alternative (maybe an even better choice) to costly albums for other members of the family: siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends, who would love a keepsake of the wedding. Because of Viovio’s on-demand printing, you can offer your customers customized photo books for each member of the wedding party, family members, guests and distant friends.


Each of these individuals can receive a Viovio photo book that features photos of him or her with the bride and groom. Pre-sell this idea to the wedding couple and you’ll know exactly which photos to set up with these groupings. Each photo book could include a personalized message from the bride and groom to the recipient.


  1. Portraits – Offering Viovio photo books to portrait clients can also boost your income. Typically, people choose one of the images you shot to enlarge or frame; however, you can also sell them a photo book of all the best images to share with everyone. Sharing your work is the best kind of word-of-mouth advertising. When people see how well you posed and photographed a family member or friend in multiple images, more of them will call you first when they need portrait photography services.


A Viovio photo book also serves as a “catalog,” providing you with the opportunity to receive repeat business for additional prints without any cost or effort on your part.


  1. Senior High School Pictures – Teenagers will, of course, share the pictures you take with their family and friends via social media; but, to many of them, a photo book is actually a novelty. Sure, their smartphones and tablets may be filled with all the images you shot, but sitting with family and friends and looking at those images in a book form is very compelling.


You can also sell Viovio photo books to senior high schoolers as their personal yearbook. Help them create a printed memory that contains not just their professional portraits, but also pictures they provide of their senior year and all the happenings in their lives. A photo book of their entire high school experience, from a naïve freshman to an in-the-know senior, presents comparisons and contrasts of an important period in their lives.


  1. The Corporate Market – If many of your assignments are in the corporate world, or you would like to be more competitive in this professional photography niche, then Viovio photo books can give you the edge. Don’t just offer a corporate client photography services, but also one-stop production of annual reports, research findings, industrial processes presentations, training materials, a printed book of photographs of a CEO’s major speech that also includes the text of the speech, an executive retirement yearbook, etc.


Because you can provide a finished product and not just a file folder of photos, businesses and corporations are more likely to give you the entire job. Plus, it takes so little of your time: choose a Viovio photo book design template, drop and drag the photos into place and order the book style in any quantity, even just one book.


  1. Portfolios – An online portfolio of your professional images is important in today’s Internet age, as it is the first place many potential clients will look. Despite the popularity of the Web for business and personal use, a printed book of your portfolio still has great power. You can easily and affordably create custom portfolios for each potential client and it is more likely to catch his or her attention in a stack of standard portfolio presentations.


Instead of carrying a large portfolio case, and then having to turn the presentation for your potential client to see from across a desk, bring multiple Viovio photo books, one for each of you during your pitch. Invite your potential client to make notes in his or her copy that will help distinguish you from the competition. As you learn more about the preferences of potential clients, you can create and send them customized portfolios, periodically, with a narrower presentation of images that you know will hit their hot button. This also allows you with the opportunity to add text and notations to help convince the potential client that you shoot exactly want they need, with details of how you will do it.


The number of ways you, as a professional photographer, can generate additional income with Viovio photo books is virtually limitless. There are sure to be many that apply specifically to you and your clients.


Visit viovio.com for more information and to open your mind to the possibilities.

Photo copyright www.viovio.com

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