Spring is finally here, in most areas anyway, and where it hasn’t arrived, it probably won’t be long now. It’s a great time for photography for many reasons, but nature’s rebirth and the specific light are among the best. It’s best to be prepared for this special time of the year, so we have made a list of 7 tips to help capture spring at its best.

1. Get ready for walking

The best way to capture amazing images in spring is by walking. Forget your car and pack your backpack. Nature is at its best in the wildest regions, those places that are the least touched by man. Make sure to have extra batteries, comfortable gear and proper hiking boots. You might have to walk for a while to get the best shots, so make sure you do it in a comfortable way, so that when you get there you will still have an appetite for photography.

2. Whatever you do, bring a macro lens

It would be a shame to go out for a spring photo session without a macro lens. Vegetation comes back to life, and some trees and plants produce incredibly photogenic flowers. I’m not saying you should buy a macro lens especially for this, if you don’t already own one, but consider renting one because you might go home with some regrets if you don’t.

3. Use the color contrasts

The ground is just starting to exhibit interesting colors in the wild regions, so some of the places you will go at this time might still look winterish. However, sprouting buds on tress can give amazing bursts of color and the contrast created can result in fantastic images.

4. Turn rain into an ally

Water droplets, pool reflections and not to mention rainbows are all the result of rain, so make sure you use it to your advantage. It might not be very pleasant to be caught by rain in an open field, but it can result in some great photos as long as you stay sharp and watch out for changes in light.

5. Photograph people

Nature is just one thing that gets better with spring. People also change. Couples go out for walks more often, grandparents take their grandchildren out to learn how to ride a bike and the examples could go on. They’re all opportunities for the trained eye and they can bring a sense of romance into your work.

6. Don’t afraid to get low

Some of the most amazing transitions happen at ground level. You wouldn’t normally consider looking for interesting shots so low, but spring is the time to explore new perspectives. By using a good macro lens, a plant at bug’s eye view can turn into an amazing, architectural shape. It’s all about vision at the end of the day.

7. Mind the shadows

The sun is higher in spring than in winter, therefore the shadows cast by a subject, such as a tree, will be shorter. Take this into account when photographing groups of trees, as they will appear more open than they were in winter.



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Image credit: seaonweb / 123RF Stock Photo