Like any other business, the name of a photography business carries a certain importance. Of course, not the same as that of a bank or insurance agency, partly because a photography business doesn’t impact so many lives, but also because we specialize in images, not words. And that is one of the main reasons why a lot of photographers neglect the importance of how their business sounds or what is written on the business card. The name of your photography business bares importance because people have a strange way of forming what they think are valid opinions, solely based on what they see at first sight or hear for the first time.`

Here are some guidelines to help you out with the naming of your photography business.

Don’t try to be too clever

It’s tempting, especially in the beginning when everything sounds great and you see only good for yourself and your business. You should maintain a positive attitude as best you can, but don’t let that cloud your judgment and make you look like you’re trying too hard to look smart. This happens when you try to put together two or more words with more than one meaning. It seems like the intelligent thing to do, but believe me, it’s not. The last thing you want is to have a potential client wondering what kind of person would come up with that name instead of focusing their attention on what you have to offer as a photographer. You should never try to confuse any potential clients and I’m not saying you’re not good with words. Maybe you are, in fact maybe you are a better writer than a photographer, but the fact is that if you want to be successful in a photography business, words should be at the bottom of the list when it comes to impact on the customer.

One of the things I recommend most is adding a word that describes what you do in the title. If, for example, you’re a garden photographer or a pet photographer, you should really use the words “pet” . That way, people will have a lot easier time finding you, provided they were looking for someone who offers such services. Don’t use any ambiguous words that aren’t really connected to everything else. I’m not just saying it for the sake of falling in line with everyone else,becase I am firmly against that, but the fact is you’re ultimate master is the client who hires you.


Naming your company is essential, but it’s also somewhere at the end of a long list. You have to check a lot of other items first, and how people call you is not one of them. That doesn’t mean it is not important. On the contrary. I recommend getting it out of the way as soon as the other priorities have been met. Don’t wait around for weeks or months to think of the perfect name. As close and attached as you might be to your photography business, keep in mind, it’s still just a business, not a baby. The longer you wait, the more unlikely you will be to come up with something good, or at least realistic. There’s no point in giving your company a killer name or a cool brand image if everything else is not up to standards. Focusing on the name too much will cause the other aspects of the business development to stall or even lose intensity, and that’s not really what you want.

Image credit: rumos / 123RF Stock Photo


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