We all know by now that dating a photographer can be awesome and fun. But sadly, things don’t always work out for the best and that’s when it’s time to call it quits. However you should make sure you do it for the right reasons. Here they are.

  1. Your significant other pays more for gear than your gifts

Those shoes or that bag you wanted might not be the cheapest, but they are far from being as expensive as anything from their gear bag.

  1. You have to stay on a diet

That’s because you’re going to be modeling whether you want to or not.

  1. You see half of all the photographs that include you.

That’s if you’re lucky. Some photographers don’t even bother showing you the pictures you’re in.

  1. Your eyes suffer constantly.

From all the studio flashes of course.

  1. They party a lot.

Many photographers party and drink a lot. It might be to celebrate a new client or to forget the horrible things they saw at the last wedding.

  1. The talks will bore you.

At some point, you are bound to get tired of hearing about cameras, f-stops, angles and other photographers.

  1. Eventually, the “spark” will go away.

At first, dating photographer is really cool. It’s a whole new experience, especially if your exes were from boring fields of work. But all that will fade away one day, and unless there is a really tight connection, the magic will disappear.

  1. You are constantly arguing

And it’s not even about serious things. Photographers argue about taste a lot. It can be music, films, art or whatever. The point is you rarely if ever agree on something.

  1. Your friends don’t go well with their friends

Photographers tend to have weird friends. Unless yours are too, the groups should never be mixed.

  1. You are tired of hearing you’re too fat/skinny

Some photographers can be rude without warning. Sometimes it’s a matter of professional bad habit. They make the mistake of comparing you to the models they shoot instead of just enjoying who you are.

  1. Hearing about failure gets tiring

Photographers have a tendency to take failure very personally. Not only that, but it usually affects those around them.

  1. You are tired of the empty bed

Because photographers rely on light for their work, it means they have to be up at impossible hours, leaving you to wake up all alone.

  1. Your flaws constantly come to mind

When you’re dating someone whose job is to make others look good by retouching skin and eliminating flaws, your physical imperfections suddenly seem a lot more obvious.

  1. You are constantly a second priority

Shutterbugs love their job. And you have to compete with that. And it can be exhausting, not to mention you deserve better.

  1. Your vacations are in all the wrong places.

Third world countries, weird resorts, jungles…Detroit. These are just a few examples of the kind of places photographers enjoy going and photographing. You’re probably getting sick of them.

  1. You’re sick of the envy

Photographers are very envious of one another. If your partner never stops bad mouthing a fellow shooter, it’s time to reconsider their personality.

  1. You’re tired of being directed

If your life feels like a photo-shoot, but without the glamour and the actual shooting, just the directing and taking orders, it might be time to split.

  1. Your partner makes you feel bad about your job

You have to have a cool job if you’re dating photographer. If you don’t, they’ll make you feel bad about yourself.

  1. Your friends aren’t as cool as theirs

Or at least that’s how they see things. If you ignore it for a while but it just won’t go away, you have a problem.

  1. If you try to assist them and things go wrong, guess whose fault it is?

You bet. It’s yours.

  1. If they’re not shooting, they’re editing

And when they’re not doing that, they’re probably asleep. That leaves very little time for you to spend together and guess where that will lead.