There are a lot of landscape lovers among our readers and we are always looking to help them boost their skills. This time we’re going to focus on something interesting and unconventional.

We’ve talked about dull photographs in the past and how to bring them back to life with post processing. But what can you do when you have an altogether average image with few or no spectacular elements?

In most landscape photography books, it says you should wait as long as it takes for the perfect light. But many photographers don’t have 2-3 hours or a 2-3 days for this kind of waiting and they have to settle for however the light looks at that time. Most often they go home and download some pretty boring images.

I have to admit I used to be against artificial toning and exaggerated enhancements. But to be fair, my Photoshop and Lightroom skills needed some improvement and the software itself has gotten better with every version.  A RAW file and a proper skillset can turn a lifeless photo into a spectacular one. You might not be lucky enough to find yourself in a beautiful place and enjoy a beautiful sunset. Chances are the light will suck. Why not save those photographs and give them the sparkle they need?

In another of his educational videos, French photographer Serge Ramelli shows us how to create a sunset from scratch. Obviously, the trick to creating an “artificial sunset” is to make it look as natural as possible. Serge will show how to this step by step using Lightroom is his very cool video.


Boost your Lightroom skills with these recommended books: