Traveling is one of the most exciting things you can do as a photographer. There are many obvious reasons for it, so I’m not going to talk about them today. Instead, I do want to talk about the gear that most photographers take with them on their journeys. In most cases, storage space is limited, often very limited, and that brings up a whole new challenge of choosing what you need most.

For some photographers the decision must be made between taking two lenses, sometimes three lenses or an all-purpose zoom. For others, it is the classic question of flash versus tripod.

(Success Tip #1: How to shoot and sell photos of people while you're traveling)

Now, before answering this question, it should be noted that if you do have room for both, you should definitely take them.  Both of them can be very useful tools because you never know what you might encounter on your travels.

With that said, we feel that if you had to choose between the two, the tripod would be a better option. Here are four reasons why.

Low Light

Some of the most spectacular images are captured in places with very little light. I’m talking about situations where not even a camera with great ISO performance can help. A tripod is unbeatable in this case and a flash won't help you at all.

The Glass Water Effect

One of the most sought after images by travel photographers is rivers or waterfalls with a glass-like effect. In order to shoot such an image, you need a tripod because the long exposures often exceed five seconds. A neutral density filter might also come in handy, as most of these shots are taken in daylight and the risk of overexposure is present.

(Success Tip #2: Improve your photography skills with this simple deck of cards)


Most of today’s cameras, point and shoots or pro DSLRs, shoot video and they do so very well. However the problem with shooting video with a camera designed for stills is stability. Most dedicated video cameras have very effective internal stabilizing systems. With DSLRs, it’s different. A tripod will help you get steady, pro like footage.


You might not be a fan of HDR photography, but you have to admit, it does work very well with travel photography. Some images are almost begging for HDR and the only way to do it is by using a tripod.

So here are four solid reasons to pack a tripod for your next trip. If you want to see actual results, then check out what Mark Wallace from Adorama TV has to say about this in the video below. Scroll down below video to see what tripods I personally use. 

There are many tripods to pick from.  Here’s what I personally use and recommend:

  • Sirui T-2205X :  I use this one 90% of the time
  • Sirui T-025X :  The best travel tripod on the market.  I keep one in my car, and another one in my backpack.  Very small, sturdy and well-engineered. 
  • Sirui 3T-35:   You’ve never seen a table tripod as sturdy as this one.  I use this frequently with my Sony A7R.  This fits very nicely in the pocket of my cargo pants.