There are a number of challenges that come with photographing people. There are of course a lot of genres that center around human subjects, but I'd like to focus on the kind of photos that show a little more skin: boudoir, fashion and glamour photography. These photos can be truly spectacular and a pleasure to look at, but as you can imagine, there is always a little work that needs to be done to the skin. Most often its imperfections, but this time I want to bring another common issue to attention. Have you ever noticed when photographing someone that the skin from one part of their body is different from another? That's unnatural and it can turn an otherwise good photo into a bad one.

(Success TipLearn how to take better photographs with this simple deck of cards)

One common example is when you're shooting a lingerie model and the skin tone on her face is different from the rest of the body. This happens a lot and the truth is it's hard to avoid it.

So what can you do about it? There are several ways you can match skin color. In a video tutorial made specifically to deal with this issue, Aaron Nace from Phlearn will teach you one of the most effective methods.

It works by using a cool trick that involves grouping several layers and using the same layer mask on all of them. The video also shows some neat tips you can use for other types of photography as well. Enjoy!

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