If you are an aspiring photographer and you have always dreamed of making money with your photos, one of the best ways that you can find constant work is to become an advertising photographer.

Because this is one of the most desirable and well-paying positions for photographers, the market for advertising photographers is extremely competitive. Even if you have great talent, you will need to put yourself out there and stand far apart from your competition.

Here are some tips on how you can work it making a name for yourself in the advertising photography industry:

(Success Tip #1: This deck of cards can make you a better photographer.)

Center Your Passions

Entering into the advertising photography market is not for the faint of heart; it will take hard work and determination.

It helps to be passionate about this type of work because, in order to be successful, you need to produce above stellar promotional shots and always aspire to advance in your career in the industry. Work at taking promotional shots to catalog photo shoots, website work and more. Focus on expanding your portfolio and set all photography projects or pleasure projects aside.

Have a Vision for Every Project You Work On

Most photographers get a feel for any project that they work on and gain an understanding of the area that they are shooting in. If you are traveling to a new area to do a shoot, consider arriving a bit earlier so that you can get a feel for some shooting locations, gain some new inspiration and premeditate how you will capture part of the culture or motion in this area in your advertising and promotional pictures.

(Success tip #2: Shoot people anywhere and get paid!)

Become Multifaceted

A photographer that has experience in the marketing process, as well as the advertising photography process, could potentially get the job over someone with very little experience. If you have a business background, this can be extremely beneficial when you are working on any project.

Learn as much as you can about marketing and the process of advertising so you can work at generating promotional shots that really speak to a target market. It will also help you market yourself in the best way to get your work and name out there as a serious photographer.


Be prepared to do research and identify a target market with all of your advertising photography. Each of your photos needs to portray a certain vision and speak to the target audience that your client is trying to reach. This can require a lot of research.

Even if you just have a small portfolio, send a powerful image off to a potential employer rather than wait at expanding your portfolio over a few years. Sometimes an opportunity can strike if even just one of your images really speaks to a potential employer. Don't be intimidated by other photographers who have years of experience and extensive portfolios, one image from your portfolio could be enough to get you a job and get you noticed.

Ultimately, advertising photography is about passion. Work at cultivating your own style, stay excited in your work and present images that showcase your passion for photography and promotion. By doing this you can definitely have success in this cut-throat industry.