If you’ve ever tried to tackle a photo shoot with multiple cameras, you know how inconvenient it is to constantly switch between them. The constant back and forth between your main camera and your secondary camera is a huge waste of time, causing you to have less time to get the shots you want, and, if you have clients waiting on you, making them sit around while you get the gear you need for each shot.

There’s a better way to approach photography with multiple cameras, however. A multi-camera system not only means you can carry multiple cameras at the same time, but it also gives you the ability to attach a camera bag too. Let’s explore these benefits in more detail.

You Can Carry Multiple Cameras

Whether you’re shooting senior portraits, a wedding, a landscape, or something in between, you’re often in need of multiple cameras, each with a different lens. The problem, of course, is having to stop what you’re doing to fetch the next camera you need out of your bag, losing precious shooting time in the process.

A multi-camera system changes all that.

Imagine having easy access to one, two, or three cameras as they hang comfortably and safely from a dual-strap multi-camera system. Have your primary camera right in front of you, with enough length in the strap to easily raise it to your eye. Also have access to one or two secondary cameras right there at your sides, again, with plenty of strap length so you can comfortably bring the camera to your eye. Better still, when your camera isn’t in use, think of how nice it would be having the peace of mind that it’s out of harm’s way, hanging safely next to your body. You can have everything right there at your fingertips - no more delays!

Multi-Camera Systems are Expandable

In addition to giving you the ability to carry multiple cameras, multi-camera systems are also expandable to accommodate a wide variety of other accessories and gear. Need easy access to your phone? Just add a pouch to one of the multi-camera system’s straps and you’re good to go. Need to bring along a small camera bag but don’t want to carry it over your shoulder? Simply attach it to the multi-camera system (shown above) so you can quickly and easily fetch a battery, memory card, filter, or other needed item.

Multi-Camera Systems Improve Your Workflow

As noted above, having multiple cameras at your fingertips is a prime benefit of utilizing a multi-camera system. But beyond that, these systems help improve your workflow so you can get more shots, more quickly. You can walk and move around more efficiently because your gear is held firmly in place and isn’t bouncing around as you walk as is the case when you carry a camera using a single strap. With a dual-strap system, the weight of your gear is evenly distributed across both shoulders so you can work longer and harder without getting fatigued. With the addition of a camera bag, you save even more time because you have all the gear and accessories you need right there within your reach - no more wandering back to your vehicle or camera bag to get something!

The Best Multi-Camera System

You might be wondering, what’s the best multi-camera system for me? We’d like to highly recommend Holdfast’s Moneymaker as an ideal choice.

Not only does the Moneymaker have all the features discussed throughout this article, but it’s also got killer aesthetics that look good no matter if you’re shooting a black tie affair or wandering around in the woods taking photos of nature and wildlife. The Moneymaker is simply the epitome of form meets function! Beyond that, the Moneymaker is durable, made with thick leathers and high-grade materials that will give you years and years of service. It’s a safe system too - it’s got anchored metal d-rings, safety straps, and screws into the bottom of your camera so you can be sure your expensive gear won’t be going anywhere.

If you want to make your life easier, the Moneymaker multi-camera system is the way to go. See it in action in the video below!