YouTube Screenshot/Antti Karppinen

Though we all have the common feature of being photographers, there are plenty of differences between those that specialize in fashion or portraiture, landscapes or wildlife, and points in between.

One of the most obvious ways that we differ from one another is the way we behave behind the lens, an observation that Antti Karppinen has turned into the hilarious video below:

What Antti - who is from Finland - has discovered is that no matter where a photographer is from, you can tell what kind of photography they do by just observing how they approach taking a photo.

Editor's Tip: The lenses you use are more important than the camera you use. Learn why upgrading your lens is a better choice.

He demonstrates 30 different types of photographers with spot-on re-enactments of their stereotypical photo-taking maneuvers.

YouTube Screenshot/Antti Karppinen

One of my favorites is the very first one in the video - a fashion photographer - complete with sunglasses and a pouty face (and a fan to blow the model's hair around).

YouTube Screenshot/Antti Karppinen

Another favorite is the "storm-chasing" photographer, complete with the disheveled look and panicked facial expression.

Though the video was done tongue-in-cheek, there's at least a little truth to each one of these species of photographers.

Have a look at the video and see if you agree, and if you fall into one of Antti's 30 types of photographers!

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Via Antti Karppinen and PetaPixel