Photo by South_agency via iStock

If you're like me, sometimes photography ideas gets to be a bit of a grind.

Whether you feel like you've lost your creative touch or you find yourself longing to do something different, the video below by Hayden Pedersen is for you!

What I appreciate about Hayden's ideas is that many of them involve interesting props (i.e., smoke bombs) combined with tried-and-true photography techinques.

For example, in looking at the screenshot below, the first thing you notice is the bright orange smoke.

But if you look closely, you can see that Hayden has used the classic photography rule of leading lines to help draw the eye upward toward the subject and deeper into the shot.

Something similar can can be said for the image below...

Again, what draws your attention first is the bright pink paint, but how the image has been composed is worth noting too.

The leading lines of the train tracks serve the same purpose of directing the eye, much as was done in the previous shot.

But this time there's a frame within a frame - the lines of rail cars to the left and right - that give the photo some depth while also restricting our view to the "tunnel" in which the subject is standing.

Often, it's just switching up one thing that can help us find our creative voice again.

So, don't ditch the photography basics - just enhance them as Hayden has done and you'll be just fine!

Check out his full video for more fun photoshoot ideas and consult the Learn More links below for additional ideas as well.