Let's face it...

We live in a world in which social media reigns supreme.

And at the top of the heap for a lot of photographers is Instagram.

I joined Instagram at the beginning when it was literally just a few thousand people on the app.

That's definitely changed...

Though having a massive following isn't everything, having an Instagram feed that's pretty rockin' will only do your photography favors. That's especially true if you're a professional photographer that needs to get eyes on your work.

The Cooperative of Photography (COOPH) had that very concept in mind when they paired up with InstaFamous photographer Chris Burkard for a few tips and tricks on taking your Instagram feed to another level.

You can check out the video below, with a summary of some of their tips below that.

Do More Than Selfies

YouTube Screenshot - Chris Burkard/COOPH

Not everyone cares to see your beautiful face in every single shot you post on Instagram.

Furthermore, not everyone wants to see what you're eating for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, either.

The key to building a solid following on Instagram is to get out into the world and document some adventures.

As you do so, find awesome lighting to punch up the drama of your shots.

Speaking of Themes...

YouTube Screenshot - Chris Burkard/COOPH

Think of your Instagram feed like a portfolio - it should show a variety of work, but that work should have consistency from one image to the next.

This can be in the styling of the shots, the type of lighting that's used (i.e. natural light), or the genre of photography you particularly like.

If you look at Chris Burkard's feed, it's obvious that he's an adventurous landscape photographer with an impeccable eye for framing dramatic shots.

Whatever your photography jam is, figure out your aesthetic and roll with it for a cohesive look in your Instagram feed. Do that, and you should see your followers grow!

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Edit Those Photos

YouTube Screenshot - Chris Burkard/COOPH

There are a ton of photo editing apps out there for iOS and Android devices.

Some, like VSCO and Snapseed, are better than others.

However, the point is that there's a lot that can be done to improve the original images you create - whether you take them with your phone or your "real" camera.

Crop and rotate your images. Work on the shadows and highlights. Add or subtract tint, contrast, and saturation. See how filters change the overall appeal of the shot.

The point is to play around in the editing process. Not only will that help you get comfortable with editing your photos, but you'll likely also find that it helps you identify your personal photography style as well.

Take Great Photos

YouTube Screenshot - Chris Burkard/COOPH

Of course, you can edit your photos all you want, but if the images you start with really stink, there's no amount of editing that will change that.

You don't have to travel to far-off, epic locations to get great photos, either.

As long as your images make use of excellent framing, good lighting, unique composition, and tell a story, you have a recipe for a winning shot.

Add in a caption that's informative, funny, or interesting to further the story-telling ability of the photo, and you'll have a great image on your hands.

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Add a Location

YouTube Screenshot - Chris Burkard/COOPH

Whether you're taking a portrait of a friend at a local beach or traveling through Europe photographing mountains, adding a location to your shot will result in much higher engagement on the photo - 79% more, in fact.


When people travel, they like to see what other people have done (and photographed) in that same location.

So, if you add locations to your shots, people visiting that area (or even people living in that area) will be more likely to see it.

Avoid All the Lame Hashtags

YouTube Screenshot - Chris Burkard/COOPH

If you've taken a photo of a forest, hashtag it with things like #forest and #trees.

Don't spam your image with unrelated hashtags like #cute or #JustinBieber in the hopes of fooling people to check out your shot.

The chances that someone looking through the #JustinBieber hashtag will like your forestry photo is slim to none anyway, right?

Instead, keep your hashtags relevant and to the point, and resist the temptation to add every single relevant hashtag imaginable, too.

Search Hashtags You Like - And Engage

YouTube Screenshot - Chris Burkard/COOPH

One of the most effective ways to build a following is to search the hashtags you like to find like-minded photographers.

If you enjoy portraits, search #portraits on Instagram and like and comment on the portraits that catch your eye.

You'll find that the more you engage with other photographers of a similar mind, the more likely they will be to return the favor and check out your work.

Find Regram Opportunities

YouTube Screenshot - Chris Burkard/COOPH

There are tons of Instagram accounts whose sole purpose is to repost the photos taken by other people.

If you want to get your follower count moving upward, take the time to find these accounts, and when you post a new photo, tag them and hashtag them.

Do that, and you might find that they repost one (or more) of your images, which will draw more people to your work.

Post Your Instagram Handle

YouTube Screenshot - Chris Burkard/COOPH

Whether you're in the photography business or not, if you want to get more people looking at your photos, you need to promote your Instagram handle.

Add it to your Facebook profile. Mention it in your Twitter profile. If you have a website, a portfolio, or a blog, add it there, too.

Heck, even add a link to your profile in your email signature!

The more places that people can find your Instagram, the more likely they will be to check it out and give you a follow.

Learn More:

Final Thoughts

Instagram is a fantastic tool for sharing your images with the world.

But it's much more than just a social media platform.

When used right, Instagram can connect you with friends and clients the world over.

It can help you advance your career, or if you do photography as a hobby, it will help you develop better skills.

It's also a photo album of your life, in chronological order.

How cool is it to be able to look back on the photos you've taken and see how things have changed and progressed?

Be sure to check out the video at the beginning of this post for even more great Instagram ideas. Also be sure to give Chris Burkard a follow on Instagram and COOPH a follow as well!