Starting any business is a difficult task. There is an incredible amount of time and effort involved in planning a business, getting it set up, and making a success of it.

Yet, some would-be photographers go into building their business with many preconceived notions that could spell disaster....

Have a look at these six thoughts that could doom your business, and explore photography business tips that will help you avoid these negative thoughts.

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Thinking "I'm Special"

This is a tough pill to swallow, especially for photographers that are just starting out.

Yes, personally, you are special, but being a photographer is not. In fact, everywhere you go, you will encounter people that have more experience than you, a longer list of clients than you, more features in magazines and on websites than you, and so on. There’s always someone that’s better.

Even worse, everyone with a smartphone or a point-and-shoot camera thinks they are a photographer as well, and will share that information with you.

You’ll be competing with people on all sides, so the sooner you realize that being a photographer isn’t special, the sooner you can work on actually becoming special by gaining skills, talents, and knowledge to become a better photographer. If you don’t, your business might be doomed.

Thinking That “Being My Own Boss is a Blessing”

This is partially true, but also quite false...

On the one hand, you won’t have to answer to anyone (apart from your clients). On the other hand, you will be responsible for absolutely everything. There will be no one else to blame for problems that arise. No one to boss around to get things done. It will be you, and you alone, and that can be a very lonely kind of work. 

You will have to push yourself to get things done on the days when you just don’t feel like it. You will have to deal with the snippy clients that just never seem satisfied. You will have to track down clients that haven’t paid their bill.

Sure, owning your own business can be a blessing, but all the stress and long days (and nights...and weekends) can be a bit of a curse. Be prepared for the grind; the life of your business will depend on it.

Editor’s Tip: Start your business off on the right foot with the right website domain. Get yours today.

Thinking "I'll Never Get Tired of Being a Photographer!"

Yes, you will...

There will be plenty of days when you have absolutely no enthusiasm for taking photos, editing photos, or even seeing or talking to clients.

It’s okay to have off days when you have to force yourself through your work. It will happen.

But the key to success is to be willing to forge through the tough times; otherwise, that success may not ever come.

Thinking That "I Can Make Do With a Basic Website"

Just because you have a website doesn’t mean that you’re maximizing your ability to get clients. To do that, you need a website that says, “I’m a professional photographer.” And the best way to do that is to have a professional-looking domain name. 

With something like a .photo or .pics domain name from Uniregistry, you get just that. After all, you can tell the world that you’re a photographer right there in the URL for your website. What’s easier than that?!

Besides, doesn’t the URL johnsmith.photo roll off the tongue so much better than johnsmithphotography.com? These URLs make it so much easier for you to share your website with other people and for them to actually remember it, too!

Thinking "I'll Be Rolling in Clients Within a Year"

This is a fantastic goal to have, but for most photographers, a totally unrealistic one.

Starting a photography business will take time, and photographers that don’t recognize that and don’t have the patience to stick with it for several years will end up failing spectacularly. 

You’ll need time to build up your clientele, to make a name for yourself, and to get good at the business side of things. All of that takes time and much more than just a year. Keep your lofty goals, but plan on at least 2-3 years just to get things off the ground.

Editor’s Tip: Setting your business up for success requires a top-notch online presence. Get your business going with a professional domain name.

Thinking "This is Just a Hobby"

If you’re going to start a legitimate business, it needs to be legitimate. You’ll need to fill out all the necessary forms to get a business license, register your business name, set up a tax I.D. number, get insurance, and the like.

This goes for all photographers, whether you’re working out of your old bedroom at your parents’ house or you’ve opened a huge studio downtown...

Thinking that what you do is a hobby is a disservice to your talents and creativity. What’s more, pretending that your business is a hobby will only cause you headaches down the road with taxes and other liabilities that must be accounted for.

If you want to be perceived as a professional, it’s important to build your business accordingly. And when thinking about how to start a photography business, these photography business tips will certainly help!

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