Image Credit: MarioGuti via iStock

When you start a photography business, it's hard not to worry about your financial bottom line.

But there are a lot of ways that you can ensure that you earn more money, one of which is to diversify the services you offer.

And I don't necessarily mean by offering various types of photography.

Instead, with the powerful capabilities of cameras these days in terms of video, and with better-than-ever video production tools readily available, it makes sense to expand your photography business by offering video services too.

Video is an "Extra" That Will Impress Clients

Image Credit: stock_colors via iStock 

Let's say that you're a wedding photographer and you're in the running to get the gig with another photographer.

If it came down to you - who also offers videography as part of your wedding package - and another equally-skilled photographer who doesn't offer video, who do you think would get the gig?

My money would be on you...

Video is an easy, inexpensive way to make your pitch to clients a little more enticing, and the more enticing it is, the more likely you'll be able to make prospective clients into paying customers. That's why more and more photographers are starting to shoot video!

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You Can Expand Your Footprint to YouTube

Image Credit: AzmanL via iStock

Not ready to dive into making videos for clients?

A great way to polish your skills and develop more comfort as a videographer is to produce content for YouTube.

Doing so doesn't just help you long-term in that you can practice your video-taking skills, but it can also help you in the near-term, too. That's because YouTube is a fantastic way to promote your work.

Think about it...

You create how-to videos on photography for YouTube, and people start to see your videos and consider you as a valuable resource for photography knowledge.

As you build an audience, monetizing your channel is a great way to boost your income and help out your photography business.

Besides, it's great exposure for your photography skills and talents to lure in more clients.

Demonstrating your expertise in photography by creating videos is a gift that keeps on giving.

You can get more clients, more money, and improve your video skills all at the same time.

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Creating Beautiful Videos is Easier Than You Think

Image Credit: Renphoto via iStock 

One of the biggest reasons why photographers should shoot video is that shooting video is easier than you think.

No, it's not something that you'll master the first time you flip the switch to video, but with a photography background, you're already way ahead of the game.

For starters, you already know your way around a camera and lenses. Secondly, you already have an eye for composition.

Those factors alone make shooting video vastly easier than for someone that has no background in photography.

Image Credit: MarioGuti via iStock

Additionally, creating and editing videos can be a quick, painless process if you go about it right.

While programs like Final Cut Pro are awesome and highly powerful, they're also hard to learn (and expensive as well).

That's why it's important to take a look at other programs that offer an incredible array of features while also being affordable and easy to use.

Kizoa is one such program.

Over the last decade, Kizoa has worked hard to revolutionize how people make videos.

As a result of all that hard work and dedication, Kizoa's platform truly is the height of functionality, features, ease of use, and price.

The pre-made templates that Kizoa has put together means you can plug your videos in and get a huge head start on creating a fantastic final product.

Add in a music library, gorgeous special effects, transitions, texts, and other goodies, and you have the makings of a complete video production program.

What I appreciate about Kizoa even more is the fact that it's cloud-based, so all the work I do on my computer is safe and sound on the cloud.

Likewise, when I'm on the road and want to edit a video, I can do that from the free iOS app. Again, it's super quick and easy to make a video, and to share them too!

On top of all that, Kizoa is just $30 for a premium membership. That's a one-time-only fee as well, so you don't have to worry about paying a yearly subscription like other video processing tools require.

Best of all, the ease of use of Kizoa is off the charts - see what I mean in the video above.

As a photographer looking to expand their business into video production, you can't beat a program this powerful, this easy to use, and this well-priced!

Often, the decisions that make the biggest difference in the success or failure of your business are the simplest ones.

With these easy tips, you'll be better equipped to make your business a success in the short-term and the long-term.

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